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spring turkey season


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Just picked up a Hoyt charger as my 1st (real) bow and Im going for my test next week for bow hunting. Im from long Island and was wondering if anyone knew of any places that theyve had good luck in the past. Looking to maybe stay in the westchester area. Would be my 1st time hunting so just looking for the experience... Any tips would be greatly appreciated too.

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Best advice I can give you is don't get discouraged if you don't kill one the first few years...It's hard enough to kill them with a shotgun and darned near impossible with a bow, especially if you've never hunted turkeys before...They have eye sight like you would not believe and can detect the slightest bit of movement...I would suggest getting a hub style blind to bow hunt from to minimize their chances of busting you moving...Get them in close, aim for the wing butt (right where it attaches to the body) for a clean kill...Good Luck!

Oh great choice on the bow... ;)

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best bet is to get out there with a shotgun and get a bird down first, bow is gonna be real hard for bo and without a big blind to draw back inside of nearly impossible. ive gotten turkeys with gun and am going for one with bow this year also but im doing it for the challenge really, and wont mind if i miss or get busted. got a shot at one last fall but went under him by an inch, took out his right leg tho but couldnt get another shot off in time

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Like everyone else said its a real challenge. I have shot a lot of turkeys with a shot gun, usually tag out spring and fall for the last 11 years, so I too switched to bow only with a pop-up blind. Big challenge but a bigger reward when you get one. I missed two birds last year spring hunting but wasnt upset. Missing a big Tom strutting in your decoys at 3 yards is exactly what I wanted!! If you get a pop-up blind you can set your decoys close to your blind. Blinds do not spook turkeys, I usually set my decoys, (a full strut and two hens) at about 5 yards. You can set up right in a open field and they will come right in. My younger brother and I connected on his first big Tom last year and he brushed against my blind B-lining to my decoys. Good luck this year!!

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