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Repeal the Second Amendment: ‘No one has the absolute right to own any weapon they want’

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Gun control advocacy is a mental disorder.  These people live in a fantasy world avoiding reality.  This piece of journalistic nonsense proves how unhinged the gun control advocates are in not dealing with the reality of the root causes of PEOPLE VIOLENCE.

The article states “A wide-open frontier with dangers from the British and other groups attacking, and the necessity for hunting to feed a family is quite different from our current reality. An environment in which a "standing militia" was needed to provide immediate defensive protection is quite different from today's reality of police departments, National Guard units and a large standing military.”

Sorry, but the reality is self-defense is a personal responsibility.  We cannot expect the police to protect us or the National Guard to protect us during “mostly peaceful protests”.  Need more?  Ask the citizens of Ukraine how access to firearms to protect themselves from criminal Russian terrorists is necessary.

The article states “The confusion comes in the last line, which says, “to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” 

Let me fix that for the gun control advocates since it actually states “The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”.  Yes, you forgot the word “People”.  It states “People”, not militiaman, police officer or any other descriptive term except “People”. 

The article states “That mis-reading has also been central in the gun related death of more than 30,000 people every year from suicide, accident and murder.”

The majority of those deaths are by suicide.  Sad and tragic, but there are many other ways a suicidal person can end there life.  Accidental deaths are sad and tragic due to someone’s incompetence.  When it comes to murder, there are usually other crimes involved that the media does not want to report.   These root causes are generally ignored by the gun control advocates. One of the major crimes related to the homicide by firearms is the distribution, sale and use of illegal drugs.  Compounding that problem with illegal drugs is the fact that nearly 108,000 people died of drug overdoses in 2021 (https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/11/health/drug-overdose-deaths-record-high-2021/index.html).  Why are not the gun control advocates complaining about all those deaths?

The article states “We must start thinking of gun ownership the way we think of smoking cigarettes in public places: considered reprehensible by almost everyone. Only then can enough like-minded politicians be elected and a solution to the gun problem be found. “

Can anyone explain what the analogy to the legal ownership and lawful use of firearms is as related to smoking in public?  Again many gun control advocates are unwilling or unable to accept the reality of the true root causes of PEOPLE VIOLENCE.  In their vain attempts to advocate for more restrictions and prohibitions to legal firearm ownership, they continue to make nonsense remarks as opposed to attacking criminals.

The truly sad thing is there are people and politicians who actually embrace this misguided information.

Edited by ADK Native
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