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The buck I shot and lost 2 yrs ago...two days of searching with Deer Search...I thought I'd seen him a week later...But then....Had a neighbor indicate another neighbor had picked him up.....


Well I'm out today and run into a person that hunts our hill...one road over...he tells me of some great bucks they took last year..10 and huge 8pt...then the monster...I just stood there smiling ear to ear...for the unbelievable 5 yr old he described was EXACTLY what I'd shot and lost...right down to the massive beams and unbelievable tall brow tines...Holy crap and it's still alive and 1/2 mile from our place


Ya know what....even if he never comes this way again or if it was his son I shot.....ole Momma and the the boys will be kicking his prodigies  out and about...This just makes me stoked!!!...Let the planing commences and the hinge cuttings grow!

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No Lawdwaz...it wasn't until a year later when talking to one neighbor about the buck(one I had to get searching permission from) and him indicating to me this other neighbor may have "found" not killed him...mind you it was 8hrs after the shot we started tracking in a rain storm...There actually was no blood just the bloody arrow and the dogs doing their thing..Who knows..I actually thought I'd seen him limping on the ridge a week later...mentioned it in a post back then


Apparently this guy has been spotting the above mentioned buck on the same property for the last several years..... relatives land...no one hunts that land...He told me he had a good friend take a look at the buck...perhaps a pic....and he scores deer and said it was in the 200range...I'd have a hard time doubting that, were it the same buck..


Like I said I gave deer search 100.00 and never found the buck...then went out and bought a brand new bow and release...remember how cheap I am...it was penance and a kick in the rear for a giant blunder


What I said was.... He described exactly what I'd shot...and that it could have been his son ...but would that be great...him having many sons in the general area...lets hope!

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PS.... if the neighbor had shot the buck ...I wasn't about to go to him and say hey so and so says you got the buck I wounded.... can I see it for a photo op. For one thing that ..to me would be degrading to him...and why would I want a photo reminder of loosing such a great animal?


If he picked it up ...why would he admit it to me and make him seriously uncomfortable about ever talking to me again...it wouldn't get the buck back and if he could display it with out guilt...before what would change after...we've talked and he's never mentioned it ....I already did that with one neighbor that dragged off a nice 8pt I shot,,,while I went to get permission to retrieve it....I was a voting inspector and he had to look me in the face every year....and I'd ask how his hunting was going...he could barley look me in the eye....


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Nothing wrong with going to take a peek at a buck you lost and somebody else killed.  I was just wondering if you saw a picture of the buck or not, not if you took one.  Like you, that would me less than nothing to me.


Buy a pile of trail cameras from Phade and lets see what he looks like!


Why does drama ALWAYS seem to find you?  <grin>

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I didn't see any drama in meeting a new person that lives near by and mentioned a great buck that is living in the area....One that could be or at the least be related to the one I lost......... I have no idea what Phade would have to do with this post or trail cameras?...I think I've mentioned...a few times I never get trail pics of big buck ...and relative few of small ones..


Lawd....what sounds like drama to you is just life to me....some events being stranger or a tad more exciting than others..it's all in how a person perceives an event  being told or seen that makes it drama to them...


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Maybe you haven't noticed that Phade has quite a bit of information and experience with trail cams.  Seems that if a 200" buck is lurking in you neighbor hood you'd like to get a couple snap shots of it, no?  These Phantom Bucks aren't likely to be sparring in your backyard in daylight.


Maybe if you had a pile of cameras in the right places you'd score some good pics of the PB, maybe not.


Maybe also take notice of the occasional "!" or "<grin>" or"........................." that I might add to a post.  I don't generally use those cute little smile faces when I'm trying to include some humor. :bye:


Looking forward to seeing your pics. B)



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Yes ..he has posted some very good info on Cams...I never noticed where he ever said he sold them just uses them...any how

I will hope and prepare good land ,but never go out of the way to capture pics of whats around....just doesn't happen ...unless they are sparing in the field..but alas that's gone now due to the corn...as I've said..I'd never seen any of the buck I've shot on our property until the day I shot them.."we've had several "phantom bucks " in this area over the years...reason for all the poaching problems...but we also have a lot of swamp lands and pine plantings not to mention corn fields to hide in...Just so many hiding places...That's why I love having the "girls" hang out on our place...best lure and bag of clover seed can buy... ;)

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