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Earn $ and/or Save $


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I will try to keep this as short as possible......


I am a consultant for Ambit Energy.  For those of you who are unaware, energy in New York State has been deregulated.  This means you can choose who to buy your energy from. Your electric provider (ConEd, NYSEG, RGE, Central Hudson, National Grid, etc.) stays the same. They will still bill you and you will still pay them. The only change is the savings on the energy portion of your bill.


How to save $ ?  If you are interested in becoming a customer, it is 100% free to sign up and you are guaranteed to save $ on your energy portion of your electric bill. They also throw in a 2 night hotel stay for free for signing up.  Pretty much all of New York state can make the switch, see here > http://ww2.ambitenergy.com/rates-and-plans/service-areas/new-york-energy-providers  If you want to switch for free and save $, please let me know. The only info I need to sign you up is the name on your electric bill account, address, account #, a contact phone # and contact email address. THERE IS NO REASON WHY YOU SHOULDN'T BE A CUSTOMER.


How to earn $ ?  If you are interested in becoming a consultant like me, check out my website http://thomaslevy.myambit.com/start-a-business/energy-526 You can get free energy by getting 15 customers to sign up. If you get 20 customers to sign up you can earn residual income each month. Of course, getting consultants to sign up under you who get their own customers add to your downline and increase your monthly residual check.  Being an Ambit Consultant is an easy way to make $ on the side. The amount of $ you make will depend on how much effort you put in. Many people fail, some make a few hundred a month, some make thousands a month, and a few makes millions a year.  I'm in it for the free energy and some easy extra $ each month from residuals.


If you disagree with Ambit, that's fine, but please do not post on this thread. Keep your negative thoughts to yourself.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got my ConEd bill.  My rate was $8.02 cent per kWh using Ambit.  My co-worker who also has ConEd brought in his bill and his rate was $9.33 cents per kWh for the same time period. My rate is 14% lower.


Needless to say, he is now signed up for Ambit.

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Due to the receipt of several PM's questioning whether or not certain electrical companies are eligible. Here's a quick list:


Ambit Energy Customers receive their transmission and distribution services from these New York power transmission and distribution companies:

  • Con Edison supplies electricity and gas to areas of New York City and Westchester County
  • The National Grid provides electricity and gas to areas of upstate New York
  • Keyspan Gas provides gas to areas of Long Island, Metro and Upstate
  • NYSEG provides electricity and gas to parts of upstate and most of southern New York
  • RGE provides electricity and gas to portions of upstate New York
  • Orange & Rockland brings electricity and gas to the northwestern suburbs of New York City
  • Central Hudson Gas & Electric supplies electricity and gas to the Mid-Hudson River Valley area
  • National Fuel Gas provides gas for western New York

If you have any of the above the services, you can save $ on your electric bill.

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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I thought the utilities (national grid in my area) are selling energy at what they buy it for. they make money on delivery charges. can you explain how it can be bought cheaper


Ambit Energy buys energy at a lower rate and sells it at a lower rate.  Here's a basic example:


National Grid buys 10kwh of energy for 7 cents per kwh. They sell it to you for 9 cents per kwh.

Ambit buys 10kwh of energy for 6 centrs per khw. They sell it to you for 8 cents per kwh.


Your bill from National grid should be 2 parts. 1 part is delivery charges (that won't change). 1 part is supply charges, which lists how many khw you used and the rate they charged you.  If you have sign up with Ambit, you are guaranteed to save $ each month on your energy, not the delivery charges.  National grid will still be the company that bills you and you will still pay them.


Here's the link for the National Grid switch to Ambit in New York > http://ambitservice.com/ambit-energy/national-grid/ It explains many other questions you might have. Most importantly, there is No Activation Fees of Cost to Switch and a Guaranteed Savings!

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  • 3 weeks later...

we did sign up with one of 'em (Hiko) about a year or so ago and something happened that we didn't like, I don't remember what, but when we tried to cancel and revert to Central Hudson it took us MANY MONTHS and also threatening letters from a laywer to get us changed back.   Beware and remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.   Proceed cautiously.

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I went to that website and typed in my zipcode to see rates and it says something about a 1% savings? Is that really all I will save? I'm confused.

Guaranteed savings of at least 1%. Many months its much more.

Regarding cancelling, there are no contracts. You can cancel whenever you want. That's the difference between Ambit and many other ESCO's.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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I'm not speaking for/against your company, only Hiko, which is the one we experienced.  Cancelling from them was a nightmare. And the savings turned out to be for a limited time. One quarter as I recall. Again, nothing against your company as I have no experience with you/them but from our foray into the realm of "savings", it was pretty much nothing but a scam.

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Well alright I guess if it's free to sign up why not I will do it. I rent a house right now that has electric heat (not happy about that) so any discount off my electric bill would help. What do I need to do now? I don't have my current electric bill on me at work but I can get it tonight when I get off.

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I'm not speaking for/against your company, only Hiko, which is the one we experienced. Cancelling from them was a nightmare. And the savings turned out to be for a limited time. One quarter as I recall. Again, nothing against your company as I have no experience with you/them but from our foray into the realm of "savings", it was pretty much nothing but a scam.

Yes, that's the problem with many other ESCO's.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

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Well alright I guess if it's free to sign up why not I will do it. I rent a house right now that has electric heat (not happy about that) so any discount off my electric bill would help. What do I need to do now? I don't have my current electric bill on me at work but I can get it tonight when I get off.

Just need your name, address, account #, and a contact email/phone #. Shoot me a PM.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

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