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Well it's time to get the decoy out..of course I tucked both sets of antlers away in a safe place??????



So instead of getting all upset...I went to the garage and a bucket of racks with skull caps...I found  nice evenly weighted antlers from a  small 8pt I shot Nov. 2 in archery season 1998...I was surprised I could still read the tag...lol...it fits perfect on my bobbin head decoy and I just got in from attaching it...this wind is perfect for it let me know how it would work...Well I set him up in the HR and walked away ...then came back at different angles...he was moving his head back and forth and up and down and his tail was moving the same...I'll let the rains wash off any scent...but not in the field...he's along side the garage...and will deploy him this weekend or next week...I actually like the real rack on him as opposed to those fake one color plastic ones...I have my bobbin head hen out and ready to keep him company...I find them fun to use...you get all kinds of reactions



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Not a fan for lugging out those clumsy 3d targets, as the Montanas are so much easier to carry.  We use them on brush lines where good runs are. Gives enough time for a shot, as it gains the deer attention towards the decoy and away from us. Also have set them up in larger field applications against brush. Mixed results still coming in. It's funny how on one farm, deer like them, and on the other, they have no use for them, what so ever. I do know that the 3d ones don't fool our deer at all anywhere , for some reason. . I also spray them with deer dander from hides.

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