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Deer decoying


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Need some advice regrading using a deer decoy right now.


I haven this really good buck who has just entered my area that I haven't seen on any of my trail cameras or in the stand and I've been out a lot.  This morning he was with some of the local does that feed on my lawn every morning.  I glassed him from the garage and he is a huge 8.  I was sick that I didn't venture out but I want to plan an attack early in the morning.


Should I make the decoy a buck or a doe or not use it at all?  All the smaller bucks seems to have disappeared since he showed up.  I'm thinking making it a doe and to introduce some estrus scent on her.


Appreciate any thoughts.     

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I'd go with the buck first...with the smaller rack...assuming you have two sets w/ decoy....put him out 15yrds  well descented and facing you...the buck will come in to face the decoy...if you have any scrape scent or buck urine hang a pad under him...If y

the buck are with doe and they come in first...they will be less likely to spook at a buck decoy than an unfamilar doe decoy....I also use turkey decoys...scent free.. in a set up...calms the deer

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I'd go with the buck first...with the smaller rack...assuming you have two sets w/ decoy....put him out 15yrds  well descented and facing you...the buck will come in to face the decoy...if you have any scrape scent or buck urine hang a pad under him...If y

the buck are with doe and they come in first...they will be less likely to spook at a buck decoy than an unfamilar doe decoy....I also use turkey decoys...scent free.. in a set up...calms the deer


Thanks Grow.  From what I'm reading if I set it up as a doe the other does may come to it and get alarmed, start snorting and make a racket and a buck with them wont have any of that.  They say does wont come to the buck but a buck will now to get him off his turf.  Friday morning I saw some pretty intense sparring with some smaller ones so I'm going to go with it.  Thanks.   

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Next buck you get cut out the tarsel glands...zip loc them and tuck away in the freezer...dbl wrap in wax paper or foil...for the smell...




Thank you thank you thank you.  I put the buck decoy out as you suggested and you'll never guess what happened.  The big 8 I was after came in to fight it and never made it !!!   B)

I'm blown away at the events this afternoon. I have used the decoy in the past but never killed one over it. 



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