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First Hunting forum


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Whats up fellas.  I  am new here and to Hunting forums in general.  I Big into My Jeep forums but never thought o join  the other  Passion,  Hunting.    I have been hunting for since @13 yr old ,  So that is about 28 deer seasons.  Wow I am getting old.  Started my first year in Year in California hunting Jack rabbits and Mule deer.  However, I  spent the rest my life Hunting between New Jersey and New York.    I  have been a bow hunter for around 20 yrs and pride my self at being a successful bow hunter; Meaning, That over the years I have learned how to consistently fill my tags with a bow and not have it all done based on Luck.    I am good at find them and get them close enough to keep my shots on average 20 yards or less.

    I  Am also a single Father and I am proud to say that my oldest boy is active duty US Navy service member as I was and my Youngest Son has just begun his first year as a hunter with his fir st gun kill under his belt while out Pheasant hunting 3 weeks ago. His real interest is deer hunting and He is awesome with the bow as well.      Aside from My Son and Hunting,    I spend many hours in the woods Camping Mountain bike riding and Mainly 4 wheeling my 1998 5.9 liter , Lifted and Locked Jeep Grand Cherokee.    I love the outdoors

  What I hope to gain from this forum  is to increase and share my Hunting knowledge, as well as maybe even find a few more hunting buddy's .                           

                                                                              Good Luck this Season fellas!

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Thank you fellas!!!!.  With a passion for hunting like I have had for so many years it is hard to believe that it took me so long to join a hunting forum.    I keep this up and My 4x4 and Jeep forum buddy's are going to wonder had happened to me..   

Here is my other Hobby  or Hobie


It has transported many deer in it and on it.   

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