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Sugar Hill State Forest


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A friend has invited me up to his cabin that is located within Sugar Hill Sate Forest for the opener this weekend.  I realize that it's a big track of land, but just curious if anyone on here can give me any details on how much pressure the area gets, quality of bucks, etc.


thanks in advance for any help.



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Your friend is the best reference for hunting opportunities in the small portion of Sugar Hill State Forest you'll see.


Problem with Sugar Hill is it's ~9K acres, non-contiguous, vastly diverse terrain/habitat and bordered by heavily posted private land &/or agr fields. If you don't have adjoining property like your friend, the access roads are NOT maintained very well. Most hunters park at tower or along the numerous access roads and venture only a few hundred yards. When I lived down there, I hunted there every May for turkeys. Wish I knew, but have to assume over the years I put on several hundred miles on my hunting boots. When hunting the interior of Sugar Hill, I never had many sightings or saw a lot of deer signs. Having grown-up in the area, all the stories I heard were of big bucks being taken around the perimeter of the State Forest that adjoin the posted farm lands. Exception might be some of the isolated NE portions that are surrounded by farm lands.


Couple of FYIs if you decide to go back in the future. The State Forest covers 3-4 different topo map quadrangles. Possibly today's GPS maps show the forest's boundary. There are horse trails that interweave most of Sugar Hill and a map of those is also available, forget where I got mine. If you happen to get a deer off the beaten path, you're in for a haul!! Last I knew there was NO ATV access, so if you didn't bring your pack mule... It's NYS land, so don't be shocked to see horseback riders, hikers with or w/o dogs, BMX'ers, etc! At least that's what I saw in May. They'd be fools to be out there during deer season, but it is public land. Almost forgot, don't be suprised to hear the prisioners at Monterey doing their morning exercise if you're near Six Nations, Evergreen or Goundry Hills. Twenty years ago when I roamed that area, they were just starting to get bears around. Probably a lot more there now!!!

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