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$30 ground blind


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Today I grabbed "The Dome" pop up blind made by True Timber. I couldn't walk away from the deal at only $29.99. I don't think it's a spacious blind whatsoever and isn't really great for bow, but for $30 it is a nice blind I plan to set up pre season and leave at a spot at my hunting camp for rifle season.

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They normally run around $60 so you got a deal . They are okay for gun hunting and would probably be fine for a cross-bow . Nice for a rainy day or to get out of a cold wind . Anchor it down good and use the rope ties as it can blow away . I am speaking from experience from not doing so with a Dog House Blind . .

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There great blinds and I have been thru 2 of them (bears like them too). I have since purchased hub style Ameristep and Primos blinds which are roomy. The toughest thing for me was folding up those spring style blinds, careful you can take an eye out with one of them,,,lol but all in all they are great blinds and you got a really good deal.

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