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So who  thinks:


1) Stake Holder Input during the public comment phase of management plans guides the outcome of the finally adopted plan?


2) The HSUS does not closely monitor New York legislation AND DEC plans? 


3) The DEC is not getting flooded with public comment from the antis this week about the bear and swan management draft plans?


Here is one of their e-mail blasts that went out to their members in New York:



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This is exactly why we all need to stay or become more involved in these issues in NY.  Every hunter should also be contacting the DEC at the email they provided on their website to show support for the bear plan.  I would assume they expect a certain amount of responses from groups like HSUS, but not enough hunters pay attention to these issues or provide feedback.  



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This is exactly why we all need to stay or become more involved in these issues in NY.  Every hunter should also be contacting the DEC at the email they provided on their website to show support for the bear plan.  I would assume they expect a certain amount of responses from groups like HSUS, but not enough hunters pay attention to these issues or provide feedback.  




And don't forget this one either:



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