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I know this is subject has been on this forum multiple times, but lets see those camps.  This camp is my fathers that we had just built this summer spending about 30 hrs a week building with help from many friends.  Once this snow melts and I can get in and finish the work on my brothers and my camp i will post pictures of that later on.  But for the time being i will post pictures of my dads new camp, which is fairly modern compared to other camps on our club, but we spend so much time there its worth the extra expenses.  








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Just bought my camp this year. It has 55 acres that butts up to state land. In the spring will be putting on an addition and putting in a pond. My first project was to put in an island / bar with a 8.5x5.5 granite top. Then just started clearing some trees for more parking area. I can see spending a lot of my time off up here...






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Sad fact is, we just sold our place. Ended up being issues in the family that led to the sale of the place. Tip: be careful on who you end up going in on a place with.

My first place was in Roscoe and it was owned by three of us. It's great for a while but life changes and you have to adjust. One guy never used the place, I wanted to sell and the last guy was stuck because he loved it but could not afford it on his own. It worked out in the end but did cause some bad blood along the way.

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