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Trail cam Buck


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Here's a buck caught on the trail cam... thoughts?  I'm convinced that he'll be a real slammer next year.  I hope he makes it through the hunting season and on to next year.  I'll definately have to wait until I see him in the flesh but for now I think I'd have to let him walk.  Pretty good mass though...


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I know many folks would shoot that deer – I’m not saying I won’t; however I’ll make that determination when I see him on the hoof.  I believe that smaller bucks only get to be bigger bucks by getting a pass or two.  Personally, I hold nothing against the person who would shoot this deer – however I’d suggest that they consider whether they would be proud of it or not.  If you have never shot a buck and this one comes by – by all means shoot the hell out of it however if year-in, year-out you shoot small rack bucks then don’t even think about complaining that you don’t see enough (if any) mature bucks.  My personal rule of thumb is that I’ll only shoot a buck that I’m willing to put on the wall otherwise they walk and the next doe I see dies. If I’m meat hunting then the doe permit / tag is the ticket.  Just my two cents worth…

Here's another pic - is he a shooter this year?  I can't tell, I'll let you know when I see him.


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Although I saw this deer on Saturday morning it was only for a second since he was troting about 160 years from my stand through heavy timber.  I have to say he looked to be a shooter however that opinion may be jaded a bit by my 12 times out in the wood and this is the first time I've seen so much as 1 deer.  I'll have to make the decision when I get a chance to see him a little closer.  From the pictures I'd say a 2.5 year old deer that will be a dandy if he makes it through to next year.  BTW - a little 4 point was running with him on Saturday am...

My question is where are all the does?  I usually see several on this property and not so much as a track of one this year... go figure.

Good luck guys and for your own sake let the subordinate bucks walk, you'll be happy you did later. 

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