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Traditional Quiver Question


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I have had this traditional quiver since i was young when i used to shoot everyday weekend with the members of a local traditional archery club, but since than it has sat in my closet and hasn't seen daylight in years. I have decided to use it this year as my hunting quiver, it was handmade and the man who made it is no longer alive and i feel its a way to honor him and i think the quiver is great looking.... So my question to you guys is, since i use expandable broad heads and there is nothing inside the quiver to protect itself and my broad heads is there something i can put in the bottom of the quiver to make it usable? Plastic? Teflon? looking for any suggestions! thanks guys!


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bottom of my quiver just has foam in it.


another of my quivers has plumber tubing in it and I wrapped the top with some foam padding to stop it from making noise when I walk. got the idea from:



same backpack but I made it my own. tubes don't need to be that long and I only carry two or 3 broadheads to leave room for extra arrows to shoot stumps or small game

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