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Predator bait stations

Water Rat

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This is the time of year where I like to start making bait stations just to see what predators might be around come next season. I start off with some wire garden fencing nailed to a tree with some venison scraps in between the tree and the fencing. I do this so the predators can't run off with it. They have to stick around and work for it if they want a free meal. Then I set up a trail camera about 10-15 feet away. I get all the scraps I need from the local deer butcher during deer season. I usually check the location in the spring just to make sure that there's no foliage setting off the camera when the wind blows. The daytime photos usually consist of songbirds and crows but the nightime photos show mostly predators. I just completed 2 bait stations yesterday.....hope to do a few more. Last year I had a small black bear on camera ....a first for me. 




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I have had modest success using a method similar to what you show, I use a large plastic tub and fill it with all sorts of scrap from left over meals, any dead animals I acquire and even some cheap dog food. I make these tubs up when the temperatures are cold and pour water over the top of everything in the tub and let it freeze solid.

I will place the contents in a place I feel there will be action wrapped in Chicken wire. It holds together pretty well and the varmints have to work at it to get the food out. Killed mostly Foxes but have had a couple of Coyotes come in.


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A couple of more tips, one is to make sure you place the bait in a place where it can be watched from several stands so you can play the wind. These bait stands are also a good place to use a predator call, a call can sometimes make a skittish-wary predator laying back to expose itself for a shot. I killed a couple of Foxes that were probably checking the bait pile area's scent but were laying back in cover. Their curiosity of the call made them stick their heads out for a look see.


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