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Burnt out and Bummed out


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the property upstate costs another several hundred dollars, and shotgun season is several hundred on top of that, aint nothing for free. don't  go for shotgun season behind the club its a madhouse riding , members riding quads thru the woods while you try to hunt from your stand, 2 small does and one buck taken. Pitifull waste of money.hopefully this post doesn't get deleted! post the truth and get it deleted what do they have to hide!

So I wonder how many of the deer in the pics on their website were killed on club properties?........none?

And what is with the Quads-it is a hunting club or an ATV club? :-X

bob  leases the land to a big ATV club all summer long, so yes...

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Steve, im glad you decide not to hunt long island, but for some of us its our only choice. And frankly i enjoy it alot. I have a few spots that are private property and even the public property has some real good areas to hunt.  From reading other posts on this forum long island is FAR from the only area that has problems with getting away from the "human life." And too the other guys im sorry you had such a bad experience. Dont let it get to you though. Theres always next year.

i enjoy the island as well... i never had a problem with other hunters while hunting state land or any other land.

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Spoke to Bob last thursday. Told him about the posts and the concerns, claims he has many dignitaries (Joe Pesci's cousin) and that he wasn't aware of the concerns. Claims that somebody that did not belong to the club started a bogus complaint last year on some other site. Wasn't aware that there are recent posts. I guess I will be hitting the pavement for land to lease after the season. Once again, thank you.

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i heard the same thing about joe pescies cousin, never heard any one but bob talk about him lol. but none the less who gives a sh*t about his cousin! if you not seeing deer or anybody killing anything, is having joe pescies cousin in the club supposed to make it all better????

why would someone who doesnt belong to the club make a bogus complaint? dont you think complaints usually come from first hand experience? all the comments being made in this thread are first hand and from "members"

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