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NYC-area anglers needed for "Trout in the Classroom"

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"Trout in the Classroom" is a program that puts trout eggs into inner city schools, let's the kids hatch and raise the fry, then organizes day trips to a wild trout stream for a release. Below is a copy of the email that just went out with contact info. 

If anyone in the NYC/Westchester area has a morning to give, I think they will find is pretty rewarding.

NYC Trout in the Classroom Volunteer Call 



NYC-area TU members … it’s time to give back!
As everyone knows, the NYC TU chapter has made "Trout in the Classroom" (TIC) a priority in the past few years. The opportunity to introduce inner-city kids to the life cycle of trout, the biology of stream life, and the importance of clean fresh water has become a vital part of what we do to further our education mandate.
Now we need volunteers to help the kids release the fry they’ve grown in the classroom into a wild trout stream. The releases take place at Ward Pound Ridge and typically over by noon which leaves plenty of time for an easy afternoon of fishing. We have caught multiple wild brook trout at Wards as well as some of the nearby streams.
Remember that many of these kids have never had the opportunity to engage with nature and stand in a wild stream. All of our members who have helped have said that this was one of the more fulfilling give-back volunteering tied to our mutual hobby and mission.
There are multiple days in April and May that we need to fill as there are over 1500 students going to Ward Pound in April and May from over 28 schools from NYC. Students range from 50 to 100 per day and the volunteers needed are two to four for each release depending on the number of kids. In total, we need 64 anglers to step in the water and help these kids connect with the environment. As a volunteer, you will wade into the stream with kick nets and collect aquatic macroinvertebrates then help the students identify the different food sources of the trout. Bring your waders!
Please take a look at the sign-up sheet and select a day or two that you can offer your time and knowledge to these kids. For city residents, we may be able to coordinate rides up to Ward Pound Ridge.


For further information please contact:
Kevin Noble
http://[email protected]

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I actually particpated in this program about 10 yrs ago when I was teaching a Wildlife Conservation class- Great Program!! 

We got our eggs in early October, raised the trout throughout the fall and early winter , and released the fingerlings sometime in April, I believe into the Wawayanda Creek in Warwick.  


Thanks for the info, Lefty, and I would urge those that can get involved to do so; its for a great cause!!!

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