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New to Turkey Hunting, Region 4

Peter Griffin

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I'm relatively new to turkey hunting and unfortunately dont have any friends who hunt to teach me the ropes. I've been scouting land in Rensselaer county. Particularly Pittstown State land and Grafton State park. I've walked huge portions of these areas looking for sign, stopping, listening, calling, and listening some more with no luck. I move slowly in full camo and usually stop and sit in brush piles  and timber to avoid being seen. It seems I can't scout a single bird, yet they are everywhere on private property or crossing the road. I've tried the begging for permission game and was turned down everywhere I went. Either they already have people hunting their land, don't like hunters, or want me to lease land from them. I'm starting to feel like my only chance is to hire a guide or wait until I own land one day. Can anyone offer me any tips on how to effectly find turkey in these locations? Maybe I should try a different piece of state land all together? Any suggestions on good places for turkey in this region?

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  • 1 month later...

I see this was fall hunting...have you tried spring hunting yet?...huge difference in hunting styles need for each...they vocalize differently....they group differently but ...at least here..... basically roost and fly down in the same general areas every day...like a route they tend to follow in their core area during the fall.....even though it isn't open ...go to where you  have seen birds and or saw some sign now....... when there is snow on the ground....look for their tracks and follow them ...see where they do the most scratching now...where their daily walks take them....... find the roosting sites....Then you will have a head start on spring turkey...by the way normally they aren't quite as vocal as in the spring...but if you learn their fall/winter talk it is so much fun firing them up then...They kept me well entertained this fall and still are....

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Fall turkey is pretty easy compared to spring, when you can only take a Tom, and you can only hunt till noon. If you are hunting in 4, be careful in 4J and 4K. Some areas require a special permit to hunt the public land.

Fall is closed now ( except for 1C ), but I would still be out there looking while hunting deer. I also just walk the woods I hunt when possible and just look for signs of anything I want to hunt. Deer, turkey.....

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