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Safe Act Will Tag 50,000 People As Too Crazy For Guns Soon.

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Shrinks are reporting lots of folks to the Safe Act people to see if they need their guns taken away.  This number just keeps going up and the folks who approve putting a name on the list are just rubber stamping the info from hospitals and shrinks.

This will surely keep people from seeking help if they want to keep their firearms.





From when the reporting requirement took effect on March 16, 2013 until Oct. 3, 2014,  41,427 reports have been made on people who have been flagged as potentially dangerous. 

Edited by Mr VJP
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Of course the Brady pack would say as long as 1 dangerous person is denied, it is okay violate the constitutional rights and confiscate firearms from 40.000 others.


So if someone who has a eating disorder that could potentially threaten their own personal heath is a danger to themselves.  Therefore violate their constitutional rights and seize their firearm that the this person uses just to shoot clays or for shooting competitions by rubber-stamping the form. 


I'm not the doctor, just a middle man.  Pass it on.  The doctor always knows best and saw the patient.  Some doctors spent all of 15 minutes with a patient on move on to the next.  Quantity to make the big bucks rather than quality to get it right the first time.


Using the argument by the Brady pack, you could do the reverse and say as long as it will wipe out terrorist cell X, level the whole town.  Innocents be dammed because of one bad apple.


This crap needs a major re-write.  Should have at least a second doctor do an independent analysis before it moves up the ladder before revoking their rights.


Fewer people seem to think these days. 

You have to weigh the good and the harm when writing laws.  Laws are suppose to protect the people, not make them criminals or violate their rights.


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