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Varmint Problem


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One thing you can be pretty sure of when it comes to varmints killing livestock, they will always return to the scene of the crime. So about 45 minutes before dark I took my Remington 597 22 mag autoloader which is set up for moderate range varmint hunting down to my cattle run in shed, it overlooks the barnyard where my chickens and other fowl reside. I set up in there hoping to catch the culprit attempting another kill.

The whole barnyard is surrounded by page wire fencing and I could see where the critter dug underneath and pulled the Turkey hen through exactly 100 yards in distance from my stand, that is where my focus was and I did not have to wait long. Under the fence crawls a big old Coon headed right for the coups, I got the crosshairs on him and touched one off, I could hear the bullet plunk and he took off back toward the fence but I sent two more shots into him and that was all she wrote.

I had just checked the zero on this rifle a few days ago and it was dead on, I had the magazine loaded with Winchester 40 gr full metal jacket ammo because they print in the same place as the Winchester 40 gr hollow points I sighted in with, but I was having misfires with the hollow points, good hard strikes on the rim but not firing, looks like a bad batch in that box. The full metal jacket bullets do not kill quite as good as the hollow points but will work and are more fur friendly.



Edited by airedale
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