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1st time duck hunting


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So I was down in Florida this weekend to visit my cousin and we planned to do some duck and hog hunting. The hog hunting was awesome and I had a great time but the best thing was the duck hunting. I am instantly hooked and plan on doing a lot more of it next season. The only problem is I have no clue where to go, or what to do on my own. Can anyone lend a little insight and suggestions? I am located down in the city and usually deer hunt up in the Hudson Valley. Ideally I would like to hunt on ponds or lakes but not sure where this is possible so any places to find public water spots is appreciated. I don't know if I am to intrigued on hunting the salt water areas as I heard the salt will destroy your guns and gear. Also can anyone recommend any good books to read. Thanks again for any help that can be offered.

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There a some good places in Nassau County not too far from the city.  Point Lookout is one.  But, without a boat and a dog, it's pretty much impossible.  You might want to consider joining a waterfowlers club.  There are loads of them and they might be a good way to make some connections.

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