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What is wrong with hunters these days


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You have to be pompous, judgmental and righteous to say "Freedom of Choice My Butt!"

Perhaps you long for a dictatorship in this land?

Energy should be 1000 ft lbs for me to be happy, but I don't think I have the right to tell others what to do if they are not breaking any laws.

I agree...don't read any attitude in my comments. I am all about choice. was just pointing out what the regs use to be and MY preference in caliber choice. I just think that folks that are not familiar with all the round and caliber options out there might sell them selves short it what they CAN shoot. If someone handed them a 300 winmag to get a feel for a rifle I can understand their hesitation but a moderate round with a moderate wieght bullet I don't think kickes more than a 20 shotgun with a slug. my 2 cents

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I shot everything from a .22 to a .458 Lott.  I deer hunt with the 7mm-08 now, but used to use the 30-06, the .35 Rem and a .243 too!  If I had nothing else to hunt deer with other than a .223, I would!  It ain't my first choice, but I'm sure it would do the job if I did mine and kept it within it's limitations.

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I shot everything from a .22 to a .458 Lott.  I deer hunt with the 7mm-08 now, but used to use the 30-06, the .35 Rem and a .243 too!  If I had nothing else to hunt deer with other than a .223, I would!  It ain't my first choice, but I'm sure it would do the job if I did mine and kept it within it's limitations.

The problem is that a lot of people either don't know, or refuse to acknowledge, the limitations of their weapons.  I own one shotgun which I use for all seasons, shot for small game and slugs for big game, even in rifle country, and I know that I will not be able to ethically take a deer over 50 yards.  It could be the biggest damn buck in the whole world, but if it's too far away I won't shoot.

The .223 and the .17 Fireball will probably kill deer; hell, people kill lots of deer with primitive bows every year.  It's all about shot placement and range...

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It just gets better and better.  Had a customer in today.  We were talking game regs and he says, "That's why me and my sons bowhunt at night,  no one knows you're doing it and you don't have to bother with all the laws."

For lack of a better word...WTF!?

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