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Another elected NY official trying to make you pay more for the 2nd Amendment.

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A Democrat Congress woman from NY state has an idea that will affect law abiding gun owners, but not one single criminal, and she knows it!  The anti-gun agenda pushed by Democrats has nothing to do with reducing crime!




Edited by Mr VJP
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How about making a requirement to hold a public office, they must carry a $10 million liability policy.  They screw-up, therefore must pay up.


I got another idea, propose at all Democratic leaders (state/federal level including President) are banned from being protected by armed guards (police, military, or otherwise).


If the citizens in this country can't have a firearm even though it is in our Bill of Rights to have one, then they don't need protection by one either.


It's like saying stealing a hammer and killing somebody with it makes the original owner of the hammer the responsible party.  (or other commonly used items of murder [knife, screw driver, bat, pipe, etc])


It's not like guns ever get stolen from a police car either.  ... wait didn't Tommy Lee from Motley Crew do that once after stealing the police car for a joyride.

Edited by Two Track
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MAN!!! That is the most angry, pissed off at the world, ball crushing, man hating, gun hating, hunting hating, man hating, contact sports hating, man hating, gun hating, men have greater upper body strength hating, squirt gun hating, men can pee standing up hating, second amendment hating, gun hating, all I need is my cats looking woman that I have ever seen……!!!!!!


But notice I said "LOOKING" So …..Its just my impression from what Im sure is just a bad photo….. Im sure she's a joy..

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No that was Carolyn McCarthy.  He husband was killed and her son wounded on the LIRR when a nut with a gun decided to shoot it up.  That got her elected on an anti-gun platform.  She finally retired.


This Congress woman, Carolyn Maloney, was born and raised in South Carolina, went to college there, moved to NYC in 1970 and found her Leftist Liberal utopia.  She decided to stay and mess up the country from there since then.


Maloney's initiative to implement firearm liability insurance has been met with widespread criticism. Experts in insurance law state liability insurance would not deter gun violence, as criminal activity and suicides- comprising 97% of firearm deaths- do not fall under liability policies.  Economists from Stanford University have also theorized the main motivation of advocates of firearm liability laws is to discourage gun ownership by raising the cost of owning a gun.


Edited by Mr VJP
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