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cutting trees

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Oh man sore arms...but I had some wild apples that really needed opening up..I have been limbing and dropping bigger trees...I will be moving over to a plot area that needs some sun as well ..I do not mind the cutting and limbing but dragging the brush out it tough with the knee..I have been building up my road side brush pile fence...the Town is digging out the culverts and there is some nice fill mixed in with trees and some rocks...I had them drop a few loads at the neighbors hunting camp and a few just off my lower corn field....phewww that saves me work...I told the old guy I would drop off my field rocks...but diesel and time was killing...These guys have big dump truck loads...it looks like he bought nice top soil.. I'll just have to go down and spread it out for him.

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LOL..... no Phade I wasn't clear on that...I opened up the areas around the apples so they get more sun...some times I find it difficult to cut better maples to keep apples ,oaks and some cherries alive...so I let them go longer than I like...normally this would be my late winter cutting BUT snow was just too deep.I cut a lot of trees today big ones with tons of limbs... I have several happy happy apples now ...but a ton of branches and fire wood to pick up....cutting is the easy part...clearing is a killer for me...but the blinds and fence lines will love it...eewww I believe I have blisters on my blisters.... :umbrage:

Edited by growalot
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They have that on the next road over and we had a neighbor in Avon that fought it for years in his yard....I have no need to worry about the ditch fill for it came from the bank of my property...cherry,  thorn apple,oak,ironwood with grasses,berries and day lilies....I worry more about what those big rotary brush munchers the town uses carry on to my place. 

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