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Bad sinuses...


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I'm running a little behind with my skull projects this year.
I broke them out today to see where I was at on them all when I noticed the weird bone covering over the deadhead find in the middle. :picknose:
I've never seen anything like that before and just noticed it when I looked at them all together!






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I could very well be wrong and just going on memory of caping out skulls in the past, but I believe there is a soft bone tissue in place like that middle skull.  But it deteriorates rather quickly and when I hit mine with a pressure washer it blew that soft bone/tissue whatever it is right away.  

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I could very well be wrong and just going on memory of caping out skulls in the past, but I believe there is a soft bone tissue in place like that middle skull.  But it deteriorates rather quickly and when I hit mine with a pressure washer it blew that soft bone/tissue whatever it is right away.  


There is a "skin-like" membrane under the cape, but not a single skull I've ever skinned had a bone plate over the sinus cavity.

I know what your talking about, but NEVER have I seen it covered with bone.

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Calcification of sinus cartalidge. .. was healthy deer and could of taken the calcium from that for next year's rack..... just a guess but sounds good...lol


That might explain why one of his antlers was broken off when I found him.

Too much calcium concentrated in the sinus cavity instead of the antlers,lol

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