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shotgun season - picked my spot


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So i had first pick of a spot today.  I was lierally the first number to pick.  I am not that famliar with the Otis Pike spots but everything was pretty much wide open for day 2.  Since i couldnt go opening day that was fine with me.  I ended up taking spot 18 for day 2 of the season.  I was thinking of taking one of the Hot water street or toppings path spots but it takes too long to get there and get back plus there are just so many hunters in that stretch of area.

Anyone familiar with spot 18 at Otis Pike?  If so any tips on where to hunt on that property?  Thanks in advance.


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Me and my buddies are hunting East Hampton Jan. 20th. Parking spots 13 and 14 on Hither Hills property. Hopefully there will be a few deer left over by then...LOL. Anyone ever hunt out there before? Any info would be appreciated. I never hunted out there. Also anyone know where the Check Station is located out there? Thanks, Rich

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Me and my buddies are hunting East Hampton Jan. 20th. Parking spots 13 and 14 on Hither Hills property. Hopefully there will be a few deer left over by then...LOL. Anyone ever hunt out there before? Any info would be appreciated. I never hunted out there. Also anyone know where the Check Station is located out there? Thanks, Rich

I hunted out there several years ago. What I recall was that it was a brutally cold day compounded by wind and snow squalls. My advice is to still hunt the area. There are a lot of deer( many unbelievably small) there and in years passed several whopper bucks have been taken. Dress warm and good luck!

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The 'satellite' check station for East Hampton is in a DOT garage, just west of Hither hills, and east of the small road that winds uphill connecting Montauk highway, and old montauk highway. You can see the road on google maps. You cannot see the building from the road. I've hunted spot HH 13 a few times. Bring a compass or GPS. There are several unmarked trails there. Hope for a little snow cover, & if you get some,  your in for a great day cause you can cruise the trails & silently slow hunt. If you have a DMP, shoot the first doe you see, & the check station will issue a either sex tag immediately, & you can be back in the woods.. There are some old deer out there..

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