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Geologist Who Predicted Colorado River Disaster Interviewed, Slams "Deceptive" EPA





“The EPA was basically deceptive. They were saying we’re going to plug the Red and Bonita mine with a hydrostatic reinforced concrete plug, then we’re going to see what will happen,” Taylor says in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News.


"The Gold King mine was already plugged by someone else years ago with wood timbers, rocks and mud, and it was exfiltrating an unknown quantity of water, and they decided to remove that old plug so they could see the true quantity of water it was leaking,” according to Taylor.


“That old plug in the Gold King mine was kind of unstable material,” he notes.


“It was incompetent and stupid for them to go up to that existing plug and try to remove it without knowing how much water was upstream and behind it and what the hydrostatic pressure was,” Taylor says.


“The plug was stable until they fooled around with it. Once they disturbed it, that’s what activated the blowout,” he adds.


“I have another letter coming out in the Silverton Standard paper where I clarify that I did not precisely predict this blowout,” Taylor admits to Breitbart News. “In my second letter I said I just can’t believe they were so … incompetent that they would go in there and attempt to do this –unplug the Gold King mine–without a backup plan.”


“When you’re fooling around with something like this, you better have a backup plan particularly when there’s a whole town immediately down river,”Taylor says.




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EPA Gestapo Won’t Release Toxic Spill Documents to Congress



he EPA gestapo will not release toxic spill documents to the House committee, according to Watchdog. As has been the case for the past seven years, the government agency has more power than Congress.

The mine is still leaking but it’s been directed into a tributary.

The toxic metals are being kicked up along the shore of the Animas and San Juan Rivers despite the EPA saying everything is fine and after approving the reopening of the rivers.

We should send all the EPA people out there to drink the water. That will solve the problem of the EPA and we can hire all new people!

The danger is in the sediment now settled around the banks and in the Animas river bed itself.




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