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Which rule to follow?


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Looking through the guide I received when buying a licence, I see something odd..

In the guide it specifically says that antlerless only can be shot during early bow in wmu. 6a.

Also says antlered only during early ml..

Anything I find online says antlered only during early ml season but no changes to bow season...

I am assuming the book is wrong, because it doesn't make any sense to force us to shoot does and then 2 weeks later say you cannot shoot one...

On another note , it also says 1/2 the antlerless deer were shot with the mzl in 6a so limiting the doe take will help our herd..( We have had 0 DMPs issued, including landowner ones in the past few years)

I know bow hunters didn't take anywhere near as many deer so that leaves a lot of destroy/damage. ( whatever they are called) permits still being issued..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looking at the regs online, I don't see where it says 6a is antlerless only during early bow. It says there are too few does.......

n WMU 6A, harvest of antlerless deer must be further curtailed to achieve desired deer populations. In this unit, DEC has not issued Deer Management Permits for antlerless deer since 2011 and antlerless harvest has only occurred during the early and late bow and muzzleloader seasons. Under the new rule, until deer populations grow, hunters in WMU 6A will not be allowed to take antlerless deer during the early muzzleloader season, which in recent years has accounted for about half of the antlerless harvest. With appropriate tags and privileges, bowhunters may continue to take antlerless deer during the early and late bowhunting seasons, and muzzleloader hunters may take antlerless deer during the late muzzleloading season. See Deer Hunting Seasons for a map of season date

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