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Why don't Americans see how intolerant Muslims are?

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Somalia has banned any celebration of Christmas there.  Lots of Americans defend it too.  Imagine if we banned Ramadan in the US.


Merry Christmas to all, even if you aren't allowed to celebrate publicly.



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Somalia has banned any celebration of Christmas there.  Lots of Americans defend it too.  Imagine if we banned Ramadan in the US.


Merry Christmas to all, even if you aren't allowed to celebrate publicly.



which is why the U.S. is far superior to any mud hut, goat raping, woman/children abusing, unwashed, blood thirsty dirt bag country on the planet. The "enlightened" love to point out . what they consider,the ill's of the U.S. but the sandal wearing little cowards will never..NEVER.. point out the intolerance or abusive behavior of certain dirt bag little countries…They go on dumb and happy with their little Che T-shrts, convinced that they are smarter than the average person., who they consider racist, bigoted, homophobic..what ever all because the crowd they run with or their teachers told them so. 


How enlightened  LOL!!!

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Many Americans are also happy and content to see Christmas consigned to the memory hole of Orwellian cultural extinction. Some have actively sought this, others are simply too lazy, stupid and culturally unaware to feel much about it all. The end result is the same. Any nation that has had it's national soul eviscerated and replaced by base materiel motive or vapid issues of 'social justice', is ripe for a tyrannical take-over at some future date. Americans are cultural ships, lost at sea, with no anchor and at the mercy of any winds of change.


Happy Festivus / Kwanzaa

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The first of these volumes, Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left (2004), described the events leading up to the invasion of Iraq and set out to explain how a secular Left that championed Enlightenment values had aligned itself with the Islamist enemies of those values and of the West. Unholy Alliance also described how the radical Left, which organized massive demonstrations against the war, had dramatically influenced the course of Democratic policy and caused a break in the bipartisanship that had characterized American foreign policy over the previous half-century. Unholy Alliance was the first book to trace the evolution of American radicalism from its support for the Soviet bloc to its opposition to the War on Terror and to explain how the Left and Islamist movements share a mindset that creates a bond between them. For the Left, America is the hated seat of global capitalism and individualism. For Islamists, America is the hated seat of Western values, a bulwark against the global domination of Islam, and a wellspring of spiritual iniquity. Consequently, these two destructive movements have a shared conception of, and contempt for, the “Great Satan” — America — which they identify as the primary source of evil in the world. They find common ground in their desire to annihilate or “fundamentally transform” it.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/426812/david-horowitz-journey-left-right


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The national suicide of European nations continues apace:


Norway- Christian camps that are being offered as shelter for thousands of Muslim invaders, posing as refugees, are being told by the authorities to “REMOVE ALL CHRISTIAN SYMBOLS” as they could be seen as offensive to Muslims



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