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Syracuse Outdoor Show


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For those of you that are interested, we'll have a booth at the Syracuse Show this weekend, center row - in line with the entrance!  From what I know, there are over 135 vendors showcasing their stuff at the Fairground Friday through Sunday.

We'll be there with a 42" High Def. TV streaming our DVD and have it for sale.  We're very excited about our first DVD and hope many of you will be interested in watching it.  Normally I wouldn't go around advertising it, but all the kills are from New York State and we all hunt public and private land like the rest of you.  If you can't wait, or can't make it to the show, we are selling it on our website too.  If you want to see more, check out the trailer on the HuntingNY home page or at our website.

We'll be plugging this forum at the show as well -details can be found at http://www.northeasternsportshow.com/

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