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Well they are trying...

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Gosh LEG I was out weeding around the very small pumpkin ,squash,corn and melons in that plot...everything is now just shriveling up literally shriveling...sad to see...I can't even justify filling the 55 gal barrels for we are on well water and the ponds are 2 ft low and my springs/creeks are barely wet anymore...the lower plot looks worse...I love the breeze and would be shot with out it ...but add that to no humidity and bright sun...even the grass is crunchy...clovers are starting to turn brown.They teased us with scattered storms today ...but nothing happened.

Something is going on in the woods though,because 3 different areas smell like death....Not sure how this is affecting the animals...one thing ,they are nose to nose at the mulberries and that is raccoons deer and fox...literally nose to nose...not a problem seeing how rabies could spread easily.

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Idk how much rain we got in Avoca, I was out of town all weekend.. Check my clover plot friday and its getting hammered but with no rain its not coming back to well.. hopefully we got some lots of clovers but they are only a few inches off the dirt.. come on rain! id like to mow it to clip the weeds back that are starting again..

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So I went out and checked the Hemp/beans/peas  I put in the upper plot...this was a planting I wasn't planning on, but I had bought a lot of seed. So the sun hemp is getting eaten over both the cow peas(beans) and the Frost masters peas the beans are coming in second and I haven't seen any of the frost master peas nipped....both the cow peas(beans) and the hemp are sending out side shoots recovering well from the browse.

the deer here just love the hemp....

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  • 2 weeks later...

 This morning I filled around all of the pumpkins, squash, melons and the little bit of corn the birds didn't gat then it poured..I mean standing water poured...so I then went out and threw down some TT/ PT in the rows between plants .Once the pumpkins and other coming plants are gone I'll have a good cover of turnips for then this fall /winter. I threw turnips and rape down in the hemp/ bean/ lpea section last week. It's started coming up in places ,but unfortunately the weeds have  gone crazy  in that area. With that being a fairly new plot from an old hay field there are a ton of weed seeds. If frost kills that area down,there is a turnip clover mix on one side, turnips pumpkins on another and clover off the front end

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Here is a picture of that area...I tilled around every thing in the front of picture after taking it...the soil was a deep dark color and smelled great...On the other side of the pumpkins is the hemp plot they have kept it to 2-3 ft in height...though the hemp should be 6ft by now...then at the top of pic is the clover plot...you can see that in the garden picture... this rain has everything growing great...the goat paddock plot has all beans up peas sprouting and the turnips.rape are starting second leafs already..clover is a tad slow...I  should have plenty of food for them if the winter gets as bad as predicted this year...As you can see...I'lL have plenty of food for us too:wink:That 3rd picture ..is the fall garden I planted last week ...what was I thinking?...lol






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