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Kayak wildlife

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Kayaked three miles up river and then back this morning scouting out an eagle nest I had heard was on the creek. Found the nest and lots of other things as well.

Killdeer were plentiful.

Found this woodchuck enjoying his waterfront property.



Found the nest in a large cottonwood.

There was a fledgling hanging around as well.

Noticed a nest of northern flicker chicks on the way back.

A spotted sandpiper finished off the trip.

The trip log also included numerous great blue herons, green herons, and kingfisher, but they were all apparently feeling camera shy today. Saw several beaver and deer as well, including a pair of twin fawns. I had an adult eagle fly over me while I was pulling the kayak through a shallow section, but wasn't able to get the camera out quick enough for a shot.

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That woodchuck is DY-NO-MITE!

Love the idea of floating around with the camera to get close to the critters!

Hate the thought of a camera like yours being admired by carp and catfish. Great set, but be careful out there.


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Thanks, I really like the woodchuck too, talk about a shot I was definitely not expecting to get from a kayak. I went three miles upstream and then three miles back, and when I came back through he was out sunning himself on his "private beach". He's living the good life for sure.

Don't worry about the gear, it's fully insured at replacement value with a reputable company, even against things like dropping it out of a boat.

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