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Thanks...went and picked another 3 dozen ears last night...summer garden beans are in full bloom as well as the summer cukes. The tomatoes peppers and eggplant  are just starting to crank it up...canning jars come out today...Daughter is lending me the pressure canner we gave her, to can deer meat this year. In the mean time I have a crazy amount of tomatoes ,zucchini, and beans to pickle and can.

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don't know how you do it but your handle fits you. We only had time for a very small garden this year. With the short growing season here in NH & drought conditions it didn't fair well only thing that grew were my 4 hot pepper plants which were loaded with peppers  until the deer decided to eat. Who knew deer liked jalapenos & Thai dragons

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Thanks...I don't know either because in a droughty summer I have had THE BEST garden season ever!...I actually think it was the lack of rain...it kept the fungi,bacteria and bugs down ...but also I can thank the farmers for all the beans they planted that drew the deer and apparently rabbits and raccoons away. The neighbor down the road with his 7 hives. and the clover rotations I did this spring. Then we had more rain than most and a lot now..actually it's been pouring here for an hour now.

PS ..can't forget the fox...my garden is a favorite place for the local fox and I haven't had a single rodent problem...other than the ones that insist on nesting inside our tractors, all summer.

As for the deer...they are just seasoning themselves for you. :derisive: bummer though...mine are getting over run by winter squash...which is now found it's way out of the garden and into the food plot...into my peppers and up the tomato fencing and sweet corn. What started out as a small corner patch is now 30x50 ft...time to do some heavy snipping...

Edited by growalot
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picked my first individual watermelon and had breakfast....So crisp and sweet!

 Though yesterday and last night finally got the squash and vine plants...fungus just ripped through them over night...I'm not up set...they developed a ton of fruit before this happened and it should all still ripen...I will not spray any thing...the neighbors bees are as thick as thieves on all my plants...I'm a little surprised I haven't been stung...but they leave me alone and I try to do the same. I'd hate to do something to cause hive failure...


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