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Hate East Winds


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I have found that I see less or no deer at all with a direct East wind like this morning. Son and I on opposite corners of property with wind in our face on stand and another friend about 5 miles away and no sightings. I attribute this to deer are used to moving via their trails systems with prevailing west/northwest/southwest winds so they are extra cautious or don't move at all until they have to.

Anybody else think this way too?

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I have much love for an east wind because I set up for them.  Both in Canadice and East Aurora I have situations I look forward to quite a bit.  A straight north wind gives me more trouble than any other direction but I still have a set up or two to work with.  :)

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My property of 183 acres is long and narrow, it's very difficulty for me to hunt an east wind because of the way my property is laid out. Every year I keep telling myself I need more stands to hunt an east wind. Wind was out of the east all weekend at my farm, I chose to hunt a different property, myself and other people I talked to saw the best deer movement between 9 and 11am Saturday and Sunday. Good luck out there let's hope we don't see a lot of East wind this year!

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