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There goes that....


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 idea.......I was just about ready to really think hard about getting my climbers out again...when today I took my walk and did some woods work. I walked a path I do everyday and drive the Gator on and find it impassable...a 100ft 18" diameter maple had the top blow off at around 70 ft...This is a tree that didn't look at all dead and was loaded with leafs and branches all last year,great timber tree for it was straight and clean all the way to the break...I say blew off because that 30 fT of trunk and limbs had the snapped end land no less than 15ft from the trunk...I had actually considered climbing or putting a ladder stand against it last year.... At  this point I think I would only trust our oaks. I keep envisioning being safety strapped well above my head in a climber...just to have the section I'm tethered too snap off tearing me out of the climber probably in half....:O

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Me  Too...... thanks...I'm happier I wasn't driving the Gator under it at the time...I have had too many close calls...hearing the snap and just making it to a nearby tree next to me. Then have my side scraped up as the branches slid down the tree I was pinned up against...I learned never to take the time to look at such a sound...just get a big tree between you and the direction it came from the second you here the first crack. looking back or up could be a life and death decision.. once they start it happens so dang FAST!

Unfortunately we have something killing the maples in the area...I believe it to be bugs but we also have a canker and a soil born fungus...leaving us with standing dead mature trees. it's the bugs causing the tops to blow out ...while still in leaf.

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