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novice seed planting question

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The planter has various discs.  You need the right disc that not only has the right spacing, but accepts the right size of seed. 


I think your privacy row should be wider like 12-15 feet.  OR find a not so tall variety.  Preferably both.  Sorghum is grown as a feed crop, so you're not wasting valuable food plot space.


Big plants need big roots,  what do you have to till with?  How good is the soil?


Deer are happy with 4 feet tall cover, so don't feed obligated to get a monster variety.


As said before, if sorghum doesn't need a deep seeding, just mix it up with enough pelletized lime to do the area in 3 passes.  The occasional seed in the mixed up lime will spread it pretty evenly.


Think of a nursery crop to grow with this.  Especially if you think weeds will have a field day there.

It's always good to till and lime, then till a few days later.  If I;m doing this in the summer,  I deep till 1st, then or sratch lightly once a week for 2 weeks.  This brings up seeds, getting them started, then the till kills them.  Seed can be dormant for many many years in deeper soils.  I've gooten easily 95% weed free in a weedy mess with this method.   Even more important in the spring because thats when the weed seeds awake and have plenty of moitsure to germinate well.

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The reason I was interested in the seeder is that the instructions for the Green Screen mix emphasize to plant in 30" rows and not overcrowd the plants.

For "tilling" I was going to rent a soil conditioner/harley rake/power box rake to attach to my skidsteer. I am hopeful that will be sufficient to loosen up the soil. If not, the Bobcat dealer also has a rototiller attachment for the skidsteer, (I might need the rototiller for lime to get into the soil; don't think I'll need to disturb that deep for the seeds per se.)

Deer might be OK with 4' of cover, but I would need at least 6' of cover so the deer don't see me :) Also, Iwant a privacy screen from the street angle.

I can go wider on the rows. What would be an example of a "nursery crop"?

Edited by goosifer
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