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Hunting in Oswego and Oneida County


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Hello all, I have a pretty general question. I live in the Rochester area and I’ve been in the market for some land the last couple years. From what I’ve found, the most affordable properties seem to be in Oneida and Oswego counties. Can anyone let me know how the general hunting is there? I stick to deer and turkey for the most part.

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I hunt some of oneida county. It is split with the north/south line in a lot of area.  There is some good hunting for sure just depends on the specific location. I would say need to check property that you might look at for sign.  And ask around to the neighbors in area.  Too hard to generally say it's good or bad.  

I hunt the Augusta area in Oneida county and theres a good deer population.  But there are def areas that are not as good.  It's def a boots on the ground to find out for sure.  

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Thanks Rob. Most of the properties that have been of interest were 20-30 minutes north of Syracuse. I know it’s hard to say for an entire county but I know I can confidently say the two counties I hunt here are pretty stocked. From what I’ve heard, Oswego and Oneida get a decent amount of snow kill, but I do imagine that’s more northern portion of those counties

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The northern part of oneida county above oneida lake gets a lot of lake effect and it's northern zone and doe permits are tough to come by.  Deer numbers are def less. There is some nice land and state land in the Florence area but deer numbers are def lower.  If you hunt the southern end the deer and turkey numbers def are better.  If you looking for hunting land I would suggest Madison county. Better hunting and a lot of farmland. Only issue is you compete to buy land from the Oneida nation as they own a LOT of land there. Might have to travel a little further but def worth it. Hamilton, Brookfield area is loaded with deer.  

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Snow kill varies tremendously....both  counties have very extensive remote woodlands as well as farmlands, with changes in deer populations accordingly. Put your time in looking for a chunk of land surrounded by managed public lands for a good mix. I live on the south edge of the tug hill where the snow fall is average for the area, with minimal winter kill....my camp is on the north west edge, also just off the heavy areas, In between....lots of snow. Western Oswego county is mainly agricultural, 81 east...woodland. Oneida is kind of split the same way, but northern and southern wise. You may want to check out the county tax auctions for Oswego...you can do very well, and you own the land clear at time of auction.

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