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New Study: US does not lead the world in mass shootings

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When these studies come out and get wide support from people who find it help's push their agenda, without any peer review or secondary analysis, especially when the researcher refuses to present the data for review, one has to suspect it is completely intentional and corrupt.

Still, it gets pushed vigorously on the naive public and sold as fact, while actively calling for removal of individual freedom and rights.  We lose more of our freedoms when the public voluntarily gives them up, without questioning the government's desire to take them from us.

It serves the people well to have a healthy mistrust of the government.  The government has earned it.

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We could ban all cars or make the speed limit 20 mph every where and stop way more people from getting killed that way.

People kill people not guns .

Ban all guns ok then what? are you ok  with people   getting killed with something else  like a truck or a bomb ? 

That's all that's going to happen. 

That's not a solution. 

Killing people or killing people with a gun already is a crime . 

Did that work ? No because criminals dont follow the law anyway that is why there criminals!!! 




Edited by Storm914
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2 hours ago, Storm914 said:

We could ban all cars or make the speed limit 20 mph every where and stop way more people from getting killed that way.

The majority of the public would vehemently protest that and it is only a privilege to drive, whereas the 2nd Amendment is a Constitutional right.  If enough of the populace objects to something, the government would never do it. 

People don't really care about people getting killed.  They only care about how they get killed.  The majority of the public certainly doesn't care about abortion and blacks killing each other in Chicago.

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