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Recommendation please?


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^^ i didnt know you do remodeling? i would have gotten you over for an estimate. i am doing a demo on my current sunroom and rebuild along with a new roof. i justput a 700sq paver patio in with a retaining wall as well about a month and half ago...

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Karp, my customers usually call direct after we are done, so dont know if would help mentioning infinity. They do nice railings though.

Gino, sorry , wish would have known, would liked to come

Over and bs.

If ever needed let me know .


will do thanks Anthony

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Karp, Maine was real nice ,thank you, I posted some video earlier. Not sure if we will get our act together or not, unfortunately many guys equal many different schedules. If doesnt happen , and your not busy, you can come run dogs with me, and we can bs.

Anthony, He'll Yeah would love to watch you pups run.

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