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The road less traveled


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Many times over the many years hunting in the woods, I have experienced diverging paths.  And every time I did, I thought of this poem.  Always loved this.

I use this one in my class. Answer the below in an 8-10 sentence paragraph with evidence from the text to support.

The question that must be asked at the end of the poem is.....but was he satisfied?
The answer lies within the word “sigh” in the final stanza and how you read that word...good sigh or bad sigh?
Your mood at the time of reading may indeed sway you one way or another.

Yes, it will be graded!!!!

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great poem, well put together video.
My favorite Frost poem is 'Stopping by the woods on a Snowy Eve". It runs through my mind every winter outing. Mysterious, beautiful, lonely.

You guys are killing it!!! I teach that one too!

One of my favorite lines:
“the woods are lovely, dark and deep”

Juxtaposition runs thick in Frost

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