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If the weather holds off today, after I get home from earning money, I plan to take the flintlock to the range. I have a T/C flintlock 50 cliber. I use it for early ml season. 80 grains of goex ffg and a patched round ball. I may call in and go now lol.

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I shoot the same in a CVA... same powder, measure and patched roundball.. only I lube my patches with the homemade lube.. you know.. the Murphy's oils soap and alcohol formula... I usually use 4f in the pan though.. or is it 7f? OMG I forgot!! Man I must be gettin' older...

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it shot as well as it did last year. As I get older, I am glad it has a peep sight on it. I use 4f in the pan also. at 50 yards 3 inch group, which compared to 25 yeaes ago is sad. But I limit it to 50 yards or so, and I am confident in that range. I use oxyoke .10 thickness patches with bore butter for lube and rws caps. I mold my own balls in .495. It is a sweet gun and shoots very well. I have 4 more weeks, then off to camp for a week to exercise it.

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