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If I can't hunt....


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there's always someone in the family that can....our two male shepherds...I call them the boys...live in a 8x12 "dog house" and they have a 25x20 dog kennel to run in when I'm not out with them....I'm not hunting due to pea soup fog and ice coated stands...I here them break out into a brawl and yell ...well that didn't work and the growling was pretty bad...I run out and one comes to the gate but every time the other tries to come out...the low menacing growls begin...so I go in the house and check the other ...he comes to his door with a very lrg very dead bushy tail being proudly displayed in his mouth...so with our three shepherds we've gotten two squirrel dogs and their moms a pointer.....lol

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That is funny. I have a 40 by 40 fenced yard and 2 beagles and Lab. So my wife puts them out one day and I hear them bark like the beagles are chasing something then a lot of squealing. So my wife goes to the window and starts screaming bloody murder so I get up thinking another dog has gotten in or something else and is attacking the dogs. My wife busts out the door and is still screaming at ridiculous levels. I run out not knowing if I should have gotten the gun first but I find out that the lab had caught a rabbit (squealing) and chucked to the beagles. All three dogs where having the time of there life with the rabbit. Well all the neighbors come running out because of my wifes screaming and I am just laughing at the sight. My wife wasn't to pleased with me but the dogs were doing what they were suppose to do. The lab

retrieved a rabbit for the beagles to play with hahah

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Team work...gotta love it...that's too funny....I had a another female shepherd that was hell on chipmunks...She'd catch them and some how stretch them out ...they'd look like those door draft stoppers...hahaha and then she'd leave them on the deck for us.......and all of them hate voles...the "boys" dad use go voleing with me in the garden...he'd catch them ....toss them into the air and munch them down...crunchy little things they are...lol

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