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Last day of my season

the blur

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I get to my land, and there is SNOW !!!!. Cool, I start walking in, found my usual log, that I sit on every weekend, after weekend after weekend. I sit down, and 2' to my left is a giant mound of deer pellets. Couldn't have been more than a few hours old. Like he knew I was coming, and left me a present. :bye:

So now I'm thinking, do I sit there, or do I move. I decided I would move left about 100 yards overlooking the foot prints where he came in, and a new area, which looked well traveled. But I never noticed it before.

Now I'm overlooking a new area of forest that is pretty thick with trees. The trees very tight together, and I'm lookng down into this valley, about 100 yards away. maybe 150 yards.

I notice a doe feeding way down below, weaving in/out of trees. The forest was thick, there was no clear shooting lane. She kept coming in/out of view, and it was hard to keep an eye on her. She'd disappear for a minute, then come back in view. My last day, and I have a doe tag.

Now she comes out, 1/2 way behind a tree, and I decide to shoot. The deer continues to feed like nothing happened!! She didn't flinch, move, run, nothing. In fact she is still feeding going in/out of view.

I'm astonished 1) I completely missed 2) she is still feeding like nothing happened. I'm like WTF ! and I'm watching her.

I rack my bolt to take a 2nd shot, and then she runs off.

I walked down, no blood, no hair, no sign of a hit...................

I'm done till next season.

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Wish it was a happier ending for you, I have had that happen before. It is hard to believe when a deer doesn't run after being shot at but I think sometimes they can't tell what happened or what direction the sound came from maybe.Snow seems to deaden sound a bit too.(I'm sure the report was still very loud).Maybe she will be there next year for you.

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