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Creating turkey habitat.... improves your deer hunting as welll

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I apologize if this is long,, I feel its.worrh the read and perhaps you can enhance your  own land....

Many people throughout the Northeastern United States have in the last several decades come 
to love the wild turkey. While many are happy just to see or hunt turkeys on other people's 
land, others want to manage their land to benefit turkeys. Let's take a look at what someone 
who owns 50-100 acres can expect to be able to do for the wild turkey. 
One of the first things you need to consider is how much area a turkey can normally be 
expected to cover, also known as its home range. A turkey can and does cover a lot of ground in 
its daily travels. Wild turkeys can cover up to 2 miles per hour while feeding. Their home range 
varies by season and can range from 400 to 2,000 acres or more. Therefore, unless you own a 
large tract of land (at least several hundred acres), you do not need to provide for all of a 
turkey's annual needs on your land. What you should do is look at your land and the 
surrounding area and determine what habitat component is in the shortest supply, and then try 
to provide that habitat type on your land. For instance, if your property is forested and 
surrounded by active agriculture, creating a small field will probably not be an effective method 
of attracting turkeys. Instead, maintaining it as a woodlot and managing for mature mast 
producing trees would be a better choice. 
When turkey management first began, biologists thought that turkeys required very large 
stands of mature timber to survive. It is now recognized that turkeys do best in areas with a 
wide variety of habitat types and plant species. One recent researcher has described the ideal 
turkey habitat as one-half wooded, one quarter abandoned fields and one-quarter active 
agriculture. In reality turkeys in the Northeast have three critical habitat needs that may be in 
short supply: 1) good nesting habitat, 2) good brood rearing habitat and 3) a good winter food 
source. If those three needs are met, interspersed with mature woodland, you have greatly 
increased the probability of having wild turkeys in the area. The only other component you 
might want to add is a late summer/fall food source. The primary benefit of this would be to 
hold the birds for your enjoyment, as fall food is seldom lacking in the Northeast. 
If you do manage your land for turkeys by providing improved habitat, just what can you really 
hope to accomplish? Before deciding on a method of enhancing the value of your land for wild 
turkeys, think about your objectives. Do you want to be able to observe the birds year round or 
are there certain times of the year when you are more interested in having turkeys use your 

Wild turkeys respond well to habitat enhancement techniques such as food plots. 
Therefore, it is possible to attract the birds to your land. But because of their mobility and 
tendency to roam don't expect to see them every day! If you do decide to manage your land for 
wild turkeys, you will have the enjoyment of knowing you have a few more turkeys on your 
land. In many cases, they will be visible so you can enjoy watching them. Even if they are not 
visible from your house, you will have the enjoyment of knowing that they are using your 
property and you have improved their habitat. In terms of actual impacts on the turkey 
population, unless you provide a large amount of a critical habitat component that is seriously 
lacking, the impact on the population will be minimal. You can, however, improve nest success, 
poult survival or over winter survival in your immediate area. Remember too that you will be 
benefiting other wildlife species as well, such as deer, rabbits, and numerous songbirds, to name 
a few.

You can have excellent turkey habitat because of the diversity in
Your landscape. Our woodlands, adjacent to agricultural or abandoned fields and hedgerows 
provide ample nesting habitat. Herbaceous openings, such as log landings in wooded areas, hay 
fields, orchards and pastures provide high quality brood habitat. Waste grain from silage, corn 
and small grain production provides late summer and fall food. The abundance of oak, hickory 
and beech nuts in our forestlands supply nutritious foods for the winter, as well as manure 
spread on the fields during late winter months. This habitat mosaic is a key to our sizable wild 
turkey population. 

Brood Habitat
After the poults hatch, they require good brood habitat for survival and growth.

Brood habitat 
generally consists of grasses and forbes, areas with abundant insect life, that the poults need as 
a food supply for growth. The ground cover should be dense enough to encourage insects, but 
not so dense as to inhibit the poults' movement. Brood habitat must be near or adjacent to 
brushy and wooded areas for escape cover and trees for roosting. Orchards or groves of trees 
spaced widely enough to allow sunlight penetration and allow room for mowing provide ideal 
brood habitat when the grassy areas are mowed once or twice a year. The trees provide 
overhead cover making the hens feel more secure. Additionally, the fruit trees will provide an 
excellent fall, early winter food supply. 
The following are some suggestions for managing specific 
habitats for brood habitat. Remember these are suggestions 
only, there are no hard and fast rules and you can decide what 
methods you wish to employ on your land. Assistance with soil 
testing or fertilizer aliming recommendations is available through 
your local Cooperative Extension Office. 

Log landings & roads: Lime and seed to grasses and clovers at the end of the logging operation. These 
areas generally need annual mowing to control weedy invasion 
and re-application of fertilizer and lime and over-seeding every 
few years, depending on your soil type. These treatments are known as "top-dressing". Clover 
mixes should not be mowed lower than six inches. 

Power lines and other right-of-ways: Encourage regular maintenance by the power 
company to maintain grasses and forbes. Mid to late summer mowing is best. Some companies 
have vegetation management policies that allow establishment of low-growing shrubs and trees 
on their right-of-ways. If not, encourage the company to do so for wildlife. Songbirds and other 
wildlife benefit greatly from these habitats as well. 

Hay fields: Delay mowing as long as possible (at least until mid-July). Use taller less dense 
grasses like timothy, orchard grass, perennial rye and white clover or use warm season grasses 
like switch grasses and/or blue stem that mature later and can be cut for hay in late July. 
Alternatively, mow the perimeter of the field, or strips, throughout the growing season, to 
provide short vegetation for young poults to travel and feed in, adjacent to taller vegetation for 
escape cover. 

Pastures & old fields: Leave some trees (apple, black locust, crab apple, black haw, wild raisin, ash, oaks, cherry, etc.) to create a savannah type habitat. In pastures, grazing will 
maintain a short grass cover. In old fields encourage grasses and forbes by periodic mowing or 
spot herbicide application to discourage woody brush. If dense grasses exist, annual mowing 
may be necessary. 
Perennial food plots and openings: Test soil, lime and fertilize as necessary prior to planting. 
Plant to clovers, native grasses, and lower lespedeza varieties. When necessary, mow very late 
fall or early spring. Reseed only as necessary every 5+ years. Alternatively, mow the perimeter 
or strips, throughout the growing season. Occasional top-dressing with lime and fertilizer will 
help to maintain grasses and legumes. If you notice invasion by weeds, test the soil and add the 
amount of lime and fertilizer needed. 

Annual food plots: Test soil, lime and fertilize as necessary. 
Plant either pure or mixed stands of oats, buckwheat, sunflower, 
sorghum, and/or corn. If deer are overabundant, buckwheat will 
be very difficult to establish. You may have more success with 
corn, sorghum, and sunflower. 

Nesting Habitat
For optimal reproduction turkeys require good nesting habitat. 
Wild turkey hens begin to nest before most of the new growth 
begins in the spring. Therefore, at least for initial nests, hens 
need some residual cover from the previous year to conceal their 
nest from predators. Generally, nesting habitat consists of low, 
horizontal cover such as low brush, standing raspberry canes 
from last year or anything that obstructs visibility between 
ground level and about 3 feet. Woodlands that have been 
over-browsed by deer do not provide safe nesting cover. Mature 
woodlands with a well-developed understory provides excellent 
habitat. In wooded areas, turkeys often nest at the base of a 
tree, fallen log, ea boulder, which provide additional concealment 
from predators. Be sure there are numerous patches of low 
cover in the vicinity. If there are only a few patches, predators 
will learn to search those specific spots and your management 
can do more harm than good. Patches of brushy cover will be 
used no matter where they are located, but it is better if nesting 
cover is close to brood habitat. Later in the spring when new growth begins, hens will readily 
renest in areas that are not acceptable earlier. 
The following are some suggestions for managing some specific 
habitat types for nesting habitat. Remember these are 
suggestions only, there are no hard and fast rules and you can 
decide what methods you wish to employ on your land. 
Logged areas: Leave some scattered tops, but clear some of
the tops and branches to allow natural regeneration, and create 
brush piles with the cleared debris. Note, if overbrowsing by deer 
is a problem, keep most of the tops and branches in place, which 
will make it difficult for deer to browse the seedlings that grow 
within the brush. If grassy openings are lacking in the vicinity, convert the log landing, and possibly some of the logging roads, into permanent openings by seeding to grasses and 
Woodlot edges: Thin (remove some of the trees to let sunlight reach the ground) up to 50 feet 
adjacent to open areas to encourage shrubs and brushy growth. Keep native fruit and nut 
producing shrubs such as dogwoods, viburnums, hawthornes, etc. Leave some scattered 
treetops or branches for horizontal cover. 
Utility Rights-of-ways: Such as power-line cuts, pipelines. These habitats provide 
well-developed vegetation up to 3-5 feet above the ground. Work with the power company to 
allow shrubs and brushy vegetative growth. Delay cutting or spraying in these areas until 
nesting is completed (mid July). Contact the utility company as utility companies usually are 
willing to work with landowners to manage these areas for wildlife. 
Hay fields, pastures: Many renesting hens will use hayfields. Delay mowing as long as
possible (at least mid July). Hay and pasture seed mixes should contain taller less dense grasses 
like timothy, orchard grass, perennial rye and white clover. Avoid cool season grass mixtures 
that contain fescue as they can develop thick sod and stems, which young turkeys may have 
difficulty traveling through. You can consider native warm season grasses like switch grasses 
and/or blue stem that mature later and can be cut for hay in late July. Old fields: Maintain 
shrubby patches within the old field, cut brush & trees and leave scattered piles of branches, 
mow periodically to keep much of the field in grasses or other herbaceous cover. Encourage 
clumps of raspberry, blackberry, goldenrod and aster, (any heavy stem herbaceous cover) by 
brush-hogging every two to three years. 
Late Summer and Fall Habitat
Late summer and fall habitat is generally the least limiting of a wild turkey's needs in the 
Northeast. It is, however, a time that many wild turkey enthusiasts want to see wild turkeys 
using their land. At this time of year a turkey needs wooded areas for concealment, roosting 
trees and a good food supply to ensure they enter the winter months in good physical condition.
The following are suggestions for managing specific habitats for late summer and fall habitat. 
Remember these are suggestions only, there are no hard and fast rules and you can decide 
what methods you wish to employ on your land. Assistance with soil testing or fertilizer and 
liming recommendations is available through your local Cooperative Extension Office. 
Log landings & roads: Lime & seed to grasses, sedges (nut grasses) and clovers at the end of 
the logging operation. Generally these areas need mowing to control weedy invasion and 
re-application of fertilizer and lime and over-seeding every few years. Plant mast producing 
shrubs such as crab apples, hazelnut, serviceberry, dogwoods, and viburnums in clumps on the 
landings, or along the edges. Hardwood timber: Manage for a variety of different dependable mast producing species (such 
as oak, beech, cherry, ash, black walnut, hickory). Have a timber management plan developed 
in consultation with a professional forester to manage for your goals (e.g. an uninterrupted mast 
production and regeneration of those species). In Pennsylvania, assistance to private 
landowners is available through the Penn State University Forest Stewardship Program. Don't 
forget the mid and understory mast producing species such as hop hornbeam, ironwood, 
hazelnut, serviceberry, dogwoods, and viburnums. Stay away from planting exotic, invasive 
bushes such as Russian and autumn olive and Japanese barberry. 
Perennial food plots and shrubs: Test soil, lime and fertilize as necessary. Plant clovers, 
grasses and lower lespedeza varieties. Alternatively, mow the perimeter or strips, throughout 
the growing season. When necessary, mow in very late fall or early spring. Reseed only as 
necessary (every 5+ years). Plant fruit producing trees and shrubs such as apple, crab apple, 
hawthorn, dogwoods, viburnums, highbush cranberry (in moist areas), staghorn sumac, and/or 
grapes. Discourage exotics like Russian olive, autumn olive and multiflora rose. Shrubs may be 
planted in "hedgerow" type arrangements. Trees planted in perennial food plots may be 
arranged on the edge of the plot that receives the most sun (preferably adjacent to the forest 
edge.) Trees may also be planted orchard-style with 15 to 25 foot spacing. Plant in a manner so 
you can easily mow around them. 
Annual food plots: Annual food plots should be small ½ to 2½ acres. Test soil, lime and 
fertilize as necessary. For corn, plant at normal time and leave standing to provide food into the 
winter. Plant a mix of sorghum, millet, and sunflower in late spring and leave standing. 
Buckwheat should be planted later than normal (mid June to early July) for fall food source. 
Leave standing and over-seed with rye in September. If deer are overabundant in your area, 
buckwheat will be very difficult to establish. Plant rye and wheat in September for a source of 
fall and spring food. Pure stands of sunflower should be at least ½ acre in size to protect from 
deer. Also, in southern to central Pennsylvania, c(Cyperus esculentus var. sativus), an African 
variety of the native nutsedge, is an excelleannual food for turkeys. Native nutsedges can be a 
problem weed in some areas. Chufa is not aggressive and will not create problems when other 
crops are planted after it. The nut like tubers, which grow under the ground, are relished by wild 
turkeys and other wildlife inthe fall and early winter, until the ground freezes. 
Crop fields: Plant and harvest grain crops such as corn or oats in the normal manner leaving 
some at the edges of the fields standing. Try to leave at least ten rows standing whenever 
Winter Habitat
In Northern New England, Eastern Canada, northern New York, and to a lesser extent northern 
Pennsylvania and high elevations of PA, such as the Laurel highlands, winter habitat is crucial 
for the survival of wild turkeys during extreme winters. In some parts of North America, turkeys 
exist north of their historic range. This is primarily because of habitat changes, such as farming 
in the St. Lawrence and Champlain Valleys, and the conversion to northern hardwood forests 
from pine and hemlock forests in northcentral Pennsylvania. During extreme winters, wild 
turkeys need a dependable food source that is close to thermal roosting cover and protected 
travel corridors. In south and central Pennsylvania and at lower elevations, there is less 
difference between fall and winter habitat. 
The following are suggestions for managing specific habitats for winter habitat. Remember these 
are suggestions only, there are no hard and fast rules and you can decide what methods you 
wish to employ on your land. Assistance with soil testing or fertilizer and liming 
recommendations is available through your local cooperative extension.Spring Seeps: Spring seeps (spots where ground water comes 
to the surface) are found in old pastures, fields and in the forest. 
The warmer ground water keeps snow melted arothe seep. The 
plant and animal life found in and near spring seeps are 
important winter food sources for turkeys and other wildlife. All 
seeps can be useful but seeps on south-facing slopes are most 
valuable. Seeps may be managed or simply left alone. 
In foresteseeps management can include stimulating the growth 
of herbaceous plants within theseep by removing some of the 
forest canopy. However leave about 70 percent canopy closure 
to keep water temperature cool and not to create a thicket of 
understory growth. Remove unproductive trees and leave 
mast-producing trees near the seep. Seeps in open areas may be 
improved by keeping them from being invaded by varieties of 
woody stems that do not produce food items. Planting fruit 
bearing shrubs near but not in the seeps cprovide accessible 
winter food. If necessary, fence the seep to keep cattle out. 
Annual food plots: If possible, place food plots for winter use on south facing slopes to take 
advantage of the sun's radiant energy. Test the soil, lime and fertilize as necessary. For 
corn, plant at the normal time and leave standing to provide food into the winter. In areas 
of high deer numbers, plant larger plots of corn (2 - 5 acres). Plant a mix of sorghum, millet, 
and sunflower in late spring and leave standing. Buckwheat should be planted later than normal 
(mid June to early July) for fall food source. Leave standing and over-seed with rye in 
September. If deer are overabundant in your area, buckwheat will be very difficult to establish. 
Plant rye and wheat in September for a source of fall and spring food. Pure stands of sunflower 
should be at least ½ acre in size to protect from deer. 
Thermal cover: Conifer stands provide a windbreak, roost sites, 
protection from extreme cold and limit snow depth under the 
stand allowing turkeys to be mobile. Provide several acres of 
conifer trees for every hundred acres of habitat. Eastern hemlock 
and white pine are good but most species of native conifers will 
help. Plant conifers in clumps or strips to provide the best 
thermal protection. When planting conifers, plant in open areas 
to allow them to quickly grow because they are intolerant of 
shade during their early years. 
Hardwood timber and tall shrubs: Manage for a variety of 
different dependable mast producing species (such as oak, 
beech, cherry, ash, black walnut, hickory). Develop a timber 
management plan in consultation with a professional forester to 
manage for your goals (e.g., uninterrupted mast production and 
regeneration of those species). In Pennsylvania, assistance to 
private landowners is available through the Penn State 
University, Forest Stewardship Program. Don't forget the mid 
story mast producing species such as hop hornbeam, ironwood, 
hazelnut, serviceberry, dogwoods, and viburnums. Plant fruit 
producing trees and shrubs such as apple, crab apple, hawthorn, dogwoods, viburnums, 
highbush cranberry, staghorn sumac, and grapes. Discourage exotics like Russian olive, autumn 
olive, and multiflora rose. 
Travel Corridors: During deep snow conditions turkeys will use travel corridors created 
bconifer cover. By providing narrow strips of conifer cover between other habitat types, turkeys 
will be able to move more freely

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Interesting read. I don't have much to work with, land wise, but I made an effort this year to do what I could. In the spring, I turned the back half of my back yard into a mini-foodplot and planted clover and chicory for the deer and turkeys. We have ag in the area, but there's no clover around. I thought it would be easy for me to plant and maintain and provide the deer and turkeys with something they love and aren't getting elsewhere. I now have 6 hens that are in my yard 2x/day, morning and evening. spending 4-5hrs/day feeding, preening, and lounging in the shade in my measly 1/2 acre yard. They must be pretty content spending that much of their day in my dinky clover plot. Plus, being in my yard, they probably feel safe from predators. I started thinning out the nest raiders last fall, so that should help too. 

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