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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/11 in all areas

  1. There are to many hunters in this state for ar not to high grade the herd especially on public land. as for 1 buck rule increasing buck numbers and size .. i think it would be minimal as everyone's wife or grandfathers or kids would buy their liecence just like they use to when you needed 4 people for a doe tag..(anyone else remember that) Joe has the only idea that would possibly work earn a buck or limiting buck tags.. pehaps everone gets a doe tag and bucks are by the current dmp lottery. Of couse i no dmp areas hunting licence would be by lottery only ..... although the state would keep the fee if you were turned down. I know a lot of good bucks are taken in the state every year so maybe work of mouth and qdm will keep shifting the deer hunting community into some form of management without legislation needing to be drafted. Remember if you dont see big bucks where you hunt you need to find another place to hunt if that is what your after! Trying to change a piece of state land into a trophy area will be near impossible unless you can control hunter numbers. (they have great tv shows that show hunters killing big bucks they just forget to tell you it only has 2 hunters on 640 acres. its not the food plots or the other must haves that allow these celebrities to kill big buck but no other hunters !!! Thus allowing most deer to reatch maturity so gee the mid west is teeming with big deer??? lol
    1 point
  2. While I do agree with Dave that it sounds like a dream position many of s would like to be in, I think it's pretty safe to say I can see how a deer farmer would be all for AR's, QDM, and anything else that has to do with big horns. Heck, I'm pretty sure I may even change my meat hunter ways handling all them big bucks all the time. Also gotta agree with some other points here. I don't know or really even care what they eat in captivity, but I think you have to agree that whatever it is, they sure don't have to work to find it, especially in crucial times when they're looking to store reserves and recover from the rut. Top notch food sources are scarce in the wild, or at least expend a lot of effort to get to them.
    1 point
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