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  1. Its been a while since i’ve posted anything on here, but I figured this warranted it. I just got back from an 8 day trip to the Northern Alberta and got my first Bull elk!! What an ADVENTURE! 70 mile quad rides (half in the dark) into the bush, run ins with moose and grizzly bears, spending 6 days with a native tracker and learning bush craft… it was truly remarkable Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    18 points
  2. Got r done........ Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk
    17 points
  3. What a night in PA! Youth rifle, got out of work at 3, got in stand at 4:30, shot doe at 5:15, ran to car, traded the rifle for the crossbow, 4 spikes chasing doe and all fighting in front of us. shot the buck at 6:05! His first buck. Prefect 30 yard shot. Saw a nice 8pt and 7 doe on drive out!
    15 points
  4. Was out driving around and noticed a lot of deer on the move in the rainy weather. Was coming up my road and saw this, she stayed long enough to give me a great picture. I may have this one framed and put in the bunk house. On a side not we did a lot of driving yesterday to West Point and back. I just noticed an alarming amount of road kill. These animals are moving about so be careful.
    14 points
  5. Unfortunately I now only have access to this forum from my work computer. I use to be able to log in through Tapatalk on my phone but now even that has stopped. I tried resetting my password but with an absentee owner my request never gets fulfilled. Anyways... onto the hunting portion of this story. My daughter and I went out Saturday evening and set up in a log pile to get a jump on where we have been seeing a doe a few evenings a week. The plan worked out and she took her first ever deer in the start of her third season hunting. It was a pretty wild 15-20 min as the doe popped out but offered no shot. We where not in the best of cover so we had to stay as still as possible but you could tell the doe was getting increasingly nervous. I think she could tell something was off but we where just hidden enough and she was up wind from us. She eventually worked up the courage to try and circle around us to get down wind but she didn't even have to get down wind all she had to do is get directly to our left because at that point we are completely exposed. She gets to our left, freezes, starts to stomp her hoof at us then eventually blows and takes off running. Here's the wild part she stops 60 yards away completely broadside just blowing away almost like she saw us but we somehow still had her confused. My daughter acts fast gets the gun on the doe and whispers "I'm shooting" I just simply replied "take it". Her gun goes off and the does front legs tuck into her body while she crashes to the ground and bulldozes and flips for 10 second before dying within site. High fives some hugs and probably a few tears of joy where had. Even though we knew the deer was dead and not moving we sat back down to let it all sink in. After about 10 min I have her get her tag out and start filling it out. At about the 20 min mark we slowly work our way over to the doe, thank her for her sacrifice before taking pictures and getting to work. This is a day neither of us will ever forget and has probably taken over as the best day I've ever had in the woods.
    14 points
  6. Picked up my Euro Mount from my son from the buck I shot opening day of gun season . Put it in my cluttered office area .
    13 points
  7. Hey great news!!!! So we backed out tracking that doe for the second time. Thought was let her lay and die and we would go back to last spot and start again. We called up an overhead shot online and made a plan upon the last blood. We did sleep in and got out there at 8am. Don't you know our cameras blew up with two chases and that same food plot had 8 doe in it at 7:45! Hunt the storms! So we started at a point that would lead us to last blood. We were 30 yards apart and after 5 minutes my brother whistles I found her. She was about 40 yards bedded under a tree. The shot entered her mid section quartering to and exited out the the back leg. Caught the guts. Shot was high my Brother was lucky to get her. I'm glad we didn't push her last night. Learn from this but it was a gut shot but the shot was high and drove through and exited the backside. We didn't know she was gut shot even at that first blood bed. No evidence of stomach waste in blood. I say she is 140-150 mature doe. A Thanksgiving blessing for sure!
    13 points
  8. Here are a couple pictures of my morning buck -- 9 points
    13 points
  9. I’m beyond excited, I had a back to back in 2 days with 2 awesome hunts. Thursday I called in 10 birds at once, 9 left. Today I called in a lone hot mature bird all by himself Yesterday was 4.5 beard and 1/8 “ spurs Today 8” beard and 3/4 “ spurs. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to enjoy my hunting and harvest 2 nice toms, and have a great time in the woods
    13 points
  10. This year has being fill with ups and downs in the deer woods. I fill one tag during rifle season and tonight I was able to harvest young buck. Meat in the freezer is why I hunt. Congratulations to all who punched a tag during the 2024 deer season.
    12 points
  11. Love these Letchworth ridge runners. If it wasn’t for the ladies they would live forever. Great Morning.
    12 points
  12. 2 bucks me and my son took, an 8 on opening day and a 9 on Tuesday .
    12 points
  13. Nephew and I doubled up at 6:55 this morning. Fun hunt.
    12 points
  14. Muzzleloader WNY Buck Sat in a tree for 3.5 hrs. A few doe ran up to me about 10:30. I raised up on one and, pft.... misfire. Saw three run off I put a new primer in and after a few minutes wondered if my powder got wet. It did. Pushed the bad load out with my ram rod and pushed my ram rod through with a stick from the tree I was in. Reloaded and waited till noon. Got down and walked through the wet leaves in silence with the wind in my favor. Followed a trail of fresh scat piles every 50/100 yds and as I popped my head over a hill/mound i saw him standing about 70 yds looking in my direction. I knew he couldn't smell me. I raised up quick, pulled the hammer back lined him up and squeezed. As the smoke cleared I saw two more deer run off that were with him. I reloaded quick and peered through my binos. He dropped dead right where he was standing. 100gr white hots 300gr powerbelt aerolights Remington primer Cva optima Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
    11 points
  15. No shot during Bow season . Got 1 shot 1st day of gun and took a 9 point .
    11 points
  16. After seeing plenty of doe and non shooter bucks on stand over opening weekend we spotted a buck bedded down in a field on DEP property about 150 yards off a road while heading to town. We glassed it and saw it was a legal shooter. Sun was in it's face and wind was in my face, so it was the perfect time to make a stalk. I donned my blaze orange, slipped out of the truck and chambered a round. Got to within 50 yards of it by crawling through tall grass until I ran into a ditch. I parted the grass with my right foot and popped it in the neck, as it was the only area of it that I had a clear shot of. After the shot an unseen doe bolted away. I thought it was the .01% indigenous genes that allowed me to stalk within 50 yards, but it was actually a hot doe. After we brought it back to the farm to process a ferocious cow tried to take the buck away, but I wasn't having any of that and it quickly backed away after staring down the barrel of the 500 S&W ! SJC
    11 points
  17. I shot a 6 pt chasing a doe. Not ideal but I figured as the season went it was the right thing. Nephew shot his first buck a two point! lol We took them to the processor tonight man there are some real nice bucks in there. Oh and I shot a big button buck last hour of bow season.
    11 points
  18. Another great late season in the books. Sucks to get beat by this guy during bow season but pretty awesome catching up to him with the snow camo and smoke pole. We really are blessed to be able to chase these great animals around for sure.
    10 points
  19. Brother got this nice 8 pt tonight. Chasing a doe. We have him on camera the night before doing the same thing. 30 yards xbow. Pass through shoulder. He said it did a back flip before it died. Crazy.
    10 points
  20. My sons patience ran out 13 minutes before the legal end of youth, does were over a knob in the field. Rainy and getting dark, We made the move and he 10 ringed a smaller doe at 150 yards. She ran right to us and died 50 yards away with both front shoulders essentially useless.
    10 points
  21. Teddi was tasked as a platoon Sargeant for Alpha Company at Beast ( West Points boot camp). Here is a picture of her in formation. She is to the right. It's a 6 week boot camp she stays for the first three weeks and then moves on to an internship at Homeland Security in Manhattan. Again thanks for all the support!
    10 points
  22. Since things are slow ,I thought I would share . My daughter in law is from Venezuela and came here legally about 10 years ago . She had come to the country previously for visits and that's when my youngest son met and dated her . Erika has a good job working for a company in Victor NY . This past Tuesday , my wife and I met my son and Erika at the Federal Building in Rochester for her Naturalization Ceremony . The participants had to say the Pledge of Allegiance . There were 41 participants from various countries . When Erika arrived at work Wednesday she was surprised that the work place was all decorated in red , white and blue with flags all over the place . We are proud of the fact that she is a naturalized US Citizen .
    10 points
  23. He did real well and nice size dogs!
    9 points
  24. A few months early but she earned it. This 2nd semester of her third year she was appointed 1st Sergeant of her company. Actually tonight she is leading a Platoon on the Norwegian March (14 mile ruk at night). As a 1st sergeant she can have a vehicle. Just happened to be my coworker Dad passed and she had a 2020 GMC Terrain for sale. SUV was mint. Had most of the options we wanted and I think I got it for a great price. We were looking to spend up to 23k but this car was 16k. Kicker was it only had 20 k miles on it. Just detailed by the dealer and full records. It's in my garage waiting for the trip to West Point in the next few weeks. My coworkers Dad was a veteran and we both said he was smiling up in Heaven.
    9 points
  25. My buddy asked me to do a euro on his son’s deer. He wanted a piece of “driftwood” from the property they hunt. I’m pretty pleased with the results overall, although I don’t recommend working with epoxy resin on a log. Extremely difficult to mix, and apply etc. There were too many runs/drips etc, but it is what it is. Thanks for looking
    9 points
  26. My son picked up my Euro Mount yesterday . Now I have to get it from him .
    9 points
  27. Buck down! Rattled and he came flying in
    9 points
  28. Cell cam sent this pic, first time i have seen this guy out during daylight.
    9 points
  29. The guys are still here. Few chases no really big bucks showing up. Friend shot this half rack yesterday. Xbow 20 yards heart shot.
    9 points
  30. 132 lb field dressed doe (PA chest girth est) from last Saturday evening at my parents:
    9 points
  31. Looks like we have a real wide 8 and another tall buck together. We just started seeing big ones recently. I do have a video of even a bigger 8 woder than ears that I will try to download. One more month of growing they will be huge!
    9 points
  32. Well it has been around forty years since I had a boat and now that I am entering my second childhood I decided it was time to get another. A Tracker Deep V17 in decent shape, looking forward to Bass season and doing some Catfishing. Al
    9 points
  33. Finally found a morning I could get out back and enjoy a sunrise. Busy spring planting and building pen’s keeps time tight. Perfect Morning!
    9 points
  34. the lake gave up some gold yesterday
    9 points
  35. I checked on my bee colonies a couple days ago. The winter weather has been brutal this year, and it’s my first winter keeping bees. My fingers have remained crossed every day since I started this adventure. There is a tremendous amount of information to learn, and then try to apply to be successful. One colony I obtained in October as a cut out from a barn with my mentor, despite my best efforts, did not make it all the way through winter. The other four hives, when I knock on the sides with my ear to the walls, have a lot of buzzing. I’ll be extremely happy if my four colonies get through the year. Spring can’t come soon enough for me and my bees!
    8 points
  36. One for me that comes to mind is I could never be roaming around the house, spot a deer in the back yard grab the rifle and shoot it. To me personally that's not hunting that's grocery shopping at best and not "fair chase". I need to be in the woods actively hunting.
    8 points
  37. 8 points
  38. Oh forgot to say my Brothers Grandson at 14 got his first buck! It's pretty funny but we have one stand where we send the new hunters to. They always seem to connect! Thats him years ago with Stepdad. Now first deer at the box!
    8 points
  39. 1 minute before sunset buzzer beater 8-pointer tonight:
    8 points
  40. I slept in too cold for me but my brother wanted the trifecta! He got an 8pt at bow, spike and doe at gun now wanted one at Muzzy season. Well he went out this morning at dark sat in his favorite spot. Said he blew out a lot of deer going in. Along came a single doe and shot it at 50 yards with Muzzle loader. Double lung shot deer went 70 yards! Left little to no blood. I was amazed cause we have snow. I went down with the quad to get him and we retraced the track job. I just couldn't believe it didn't leave better sign. I'm happy for him.
    8 points
  41. Buck down at 745am . Waiting for a doe now . Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk
    8 points
  42. My son and grandson are hunting the whole day in Geneseo . I am going to do an afternoon hunt there and change the camera batteries . So far my son has seen 9 deer but nothing close enough to shoot with the crossbow . My son shot a nice wide rack buck on his property yesterday in Italy Valley .
    8 points
  43. Not much of a Deer hunter these days and usually from the middle of the season on, but last night I decided to get out the first thing in the morning. Got bundled up and grabbed the Howa Superlight 6.5 Creedmoor and headed out. A frosty start to the day and as the daylight started coming on the woods began to come alive. Walked to one of my favorite Squirrel hunting spots and sat down on a stump. Squirrels and Blue Jays were in the Beech trees gathering mast, I could hear Turkeys talking. Was not sitting for five minutes and saw a Doe walking through the trees, I have a permit but I let her slide. Then a parade of Turkeys appeared started toward me and low and behold a Buck was walking along in front of them. Put the crosshairs behind the front shoulder and shot, he hunched up and took off running but I knew he would not go too far. I walked back home and got my Airedale pup Ruff and brought him to the spot the Buck was walking when I shot. There was no visible blood but I put the pup on the track and away we went, not 50 yards and there he was deader than a doornail, A good introduction to Deer tracking for young Ruff, I believe he will handle Deer tracking quite well. Good part he was not far from a logging road so I got my tractor and drove close enough for an easy drag and flopped him into the loader bucket and brought him home to dress out. One of my shortest Deer hunts ever. Al
    8 points
  44. Hey shout out to my Brother in law Mark over in Schuylar county! I have been hunting with him for 35 years or so. We went to a traditional bow shoot in PA last summer it was great. He ordered a stick bow and practiced with it a lot this summer. All came together this morning. 18 yard heart shot on a big doe. So proud of him!!!!!!
    8 points
  45. Powers Taxidermy in Canisteo. Did a great job real happy with it.
    8 points
  46. My 16 year old grandson shot a doe this morning . He also shot a doe with his crossbow a couple weeks ago .
    7 points
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