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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/12 in Posts

  1. Yup! and that sure does mean a whole lot than some hack-job by a news reporter. Relative to who Nugent speaks for, or doesn't, I will say that I really don't go out of my way to act like a loyal fan ...... because I'm not. However, I will also say that I don't go out of my way to throw him under the bus either. I find no benefit to hunters to do that. As far as I am concerned, anyone who wants to devote that much of their life and energies toward speaking up for hunters and gun owners, (When almost all hunters won't even bother to pick up a pen and write their opinions or hunting concerns to legislators), is probably not someone that I feel the need to tear down. I guess I just don't get the motivations for some of this spite that we seem to enjoy heaping on people that do speak up for us. I see the American hunter as being the most self-destructive set of individuals in society as they seem to get some perverse joy out of destroying those individuals and organizations that volunteer and serve as advocates. Really, I just don't get it. Maybe I don't necessarily like his abrasive style of speaking. Maybe I don't like his personality. Maybe he does make some mistakes along the way (don't we all). Maybe I don't like his music ....lol, but I have yet to hear much of what he says that I disagree with. I don't have to like the guy, or like much about him in order to not go out of my way to try to get people to stop listening to his positive views toward hunters and hunting. I don't see that sort of thing as being beneficial to me as a hunter and gun owner. Why would it be? Also, I would say that as long as we demand absolute perfection from our advocates, we needn't wonder why we have so few people saying anything positive about hunting and gun ownership. We do it to ourselves everytime.
    3 points
  2. I always thought calling them kits was a little strange. No turkey running around today but these frisky little fellas ran around me at the den for 3 hrs. There were 6 total and in the time I spent watching them they caught a snake and brought a red squirrel back to the den to fight over for lunch. I think they just had them laying around and picked them up to play with. Never saw a momma.
    1 point
  3. I killed my knee, after an uneventful tukey opener, and am out for the season. Got cabin fever already so A little while ago I hobbled myself into the truck and took a drive. There were 2 nice looking Toms and a few hens out in the field near the wood line, right where I hunt.(where do ya think they'll roost tonite?) To make matters worst.. I pulled back into the driveway right when the wife was pulling in. She got peed that I went out, with the bad kicker, so out of spite she hid my last 3 beers. Hope I can find them after she goes to bed. Spelled story wrong...just noticed.....sourray
    1 point
  4. I don't know anything about it, except PLEASE let me go with you . . lol
    1 point
  5. There are ticks in every part of NY. Here is a link to reported cases of lyme disease as well. Yes they are more abundant in the eastern parts but they are in your woods too. I recall reading about what provokes an abrupt outbreak of ticks with humans and if I recall correctly is has alot less due to weather than it does food supply for the little critters like mice that they are more frequent to come in contact with. A bad acorn crop and resulting in a loss of the critters in that area for example leads to a higher chance of human contact with ticks as there is less blood meals in the area. I live just east of lake O and I have taken 2 ticks of me one of the wifey, 2 off the dog and 1 off the cat. 3 years ago I said the same thing some here have said. I have never seen a tick before in 40 years of living here. Well that is the case no longer or has been in a few years. Just be careful and make it a nightly activity to spice things up with the lady of the house inspecting each other for ticks lol. http://www.cdc.gov/lyme/stats/maps/interactiveMaps.html
    1 point
  6. I'm in total agreement Doc. There are also a lot of zealous Game Wardens out there that are looking to bust every hunter they run into for something. Give them a chance and they can come up with a fine for any hunter in the field if they decide you should be fined, for whatever reason. A lot of folks don't like Ted, and that is exactly why they go after him with this stuff. They want to shut him up. What I have to wonder is, why is what he says such a threat to them and what is it they are trying to do that he is against?
    1 point
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