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Everything posted by luberhill

  1. Bad pic but it’s the only thing I could think of with a red head that would be in the woods
  2. Really ? Instead of bragging about how much education you have , why not try and comprehend what I really said . I called YOU a “ keyboard attorney”. Now please , go away and grow up ! Spend a little less time bragging about how smart you and this lawyer brother of yours , who attended the best college ( ) are and prove it by not posting stupid stuff ! Calling people you don’t know “ dumb”and behaving like a child doesn’t support your bragging about your education !
  3. Finally someone who understands
  4. Huh , I thought you said you knew “ him “
  5. Man you really can’t read ?? I telling you what happened , who I spoke to and what I was told . I didn’t sit and ask them to show me case law . Next time I’ll just mention all your knowledge that trumps theirs . Please talk to the judge that you said you know . Maybe he can give you the sections you want so bad . I had no idea what if any laws were broken. I learned that after the police and DEC showed up ! They told me what the charges would be .
  6. Again , you said you know the judge ., ask him and post back here . It was point blank clear ...I should have had them clear this info with you first . Ill wait for your apology after you speak to the judge .
  7. Darn wrong again !!! I was standing right there when he was called ...
  8. Didn’t you say you knew the judge ? Call and ask him about this and tell him he is wrong as well as DEC and the State Police . If you really know him I’m sure you know that won’t be taken too well
  9. Again , you are incorrect .. First off if you have to know I didn’t call three people , I called NYS police . They arrived and called DEC in because it’s rural property . The trooper contacted the judge at his home and spoke to him . Again , he should have called you I guess. When arrested IF I wanted to press charges , the trespassers would have had to go in front of the judge that night to be charged . At court date they would have showed up either with or without an attorney to face the charges .
  10. Lol ... note I didn’t insult anyone , that was you my boy ! I didn’t see your brother post here , only you speaking for him . I won’t bore you with my education , I’m sure it would fall on deaf ears ! Again the insult was against me by you ! Now please just stop and grow up instead of calling people you don’t know “ dumb”.
  11. And again I’m stating what I was told when the law arrived and he spoke to the judge after that. I made the decision to go on record , the trespassers were paid a visit by both DEC and NYS trooper , I didn’t wish to press charges this time but a written statement WAS done !
  12. Humm yes ., it’s pretty clear how much education you have
  13. Ok pls try and grasp this once and for all ... I didn’t come up with the charges based on the property damage ... That was the NY State Police , DEC Region 7 NOT me ...I didn’t ask them for case and book number , I figured they probably know a slight bit more than me .. Now if I knew there were so many experts here I probably could have asked you guys instead of the people enforcing said law
  14. I’ll address it to the “ keyboard attorney and his top notch lawyer brother “
  15. Well I’m stating what happened two weeks ago here ..and what DEC and NY State police and the local judge said ! Not sure how much more clear it could be
  16. Ok young man, I thought you were tired of this ? Tell ya what , I’ll let DEC and the NY State police know they are wrong Now you can feel free to stop commenting Thank you for letting them know the law
  17. Ask him ! Again , I’m sure DEC and the state police know just a weee bit more than AT and his top notch lawyer brother
  18. Huh , yea ok ... I’ll tell DEC and NY State police and the judge that some guy on a hunt site said he guaranteed it would be thrown out Dec also wanted to charge them with littering , destruction of property as well as criminal trespass .. And the judge was 100 percent all for it ! They may not have met your brother Why didn’t you ask your brother instead of asking questions about posting land ??
  19. Guaranteed huh? You don’t know this judge very well ...
  20. The criminal trespass was because they entered private property , they knew they didn’t own , they destroyed the property by leaving trash etc I’m quite sure the region 7 commander for DEC knows the law
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