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Everything posted by luberhill

  1. People make me sick , why even have kids if you can’t deal with a tired little girl.. Or why take them out to dinner when you know they are tired
  2. I know , I was thinking the same thing . It came very close to being a bigger problem
  3. Yea I’m still sick to my stomach , my wife wanted to have her come sit with us ... Its a fine line to have to walk getting involved .,,that guy needs a serious wake up call ... Tough guy hitting little girls
  4. My wife thinks the little girl may have had some mental / emotional issues.. Living with this guy I’m not surprised
  5. My only concern was for the little girl.. I just hope the ordeal didn’t lame it worse for her ,, But I couldn’t sit and watch it and say nothing ... It was over in less than 5 minutes
  6. I’m in the process of tracking him down .. then I will alert authorities as to what happened . I have 11 witnesses as well as the owner ... m
  7. Agree .. I always seem to think of that after the fact
  8. Yea a swat on the butt wouldn’t really raise a flag,but the constant threats and the smack in the mouth to a little girl .... Im really starting to hate people
  9. Well I gave an exact play by play , not sure what you mean
  10. Yea agree .. and if we had called the police it probably would have been even worse . Wish I knew his name and where he lived ..
  11. I wished I had ... thought maybe the owner would know him , but he said he’s never been there before
  12. You go to a decent sit down restaurant with your wife . A guy , wife, daughter ? about 12, and a little girl about 6. The little girl was fussing like a child does when they are tired . The father , acting like a white thrash lowlife , starts yelling and threatening the little girl that if she doesn’t stop she is going to get “ smacked in the face “. More threats , turning it up a notch grabbing her, then a smack in the face. My wife , who is already physically upset at the treatment , jumps up and goes over crying and asks the dude “ please stop , she’s a little girl , she can come sit with us “. Then it’s my turn ... He sat back down when I went over and nicely asked him to pls tone it down , reminded him where we were. He proceeded to tell me “ I’m the father and you have no idea the little bitch she has been today “ I said , can you just pls try to speak calmly . He said “ what I’m going to do is smack her in the face again if she doesn’t stop “ So ,,, I said , “ that’s not a good idea , and if you do that, I’m going to smack you in the face and you are not going to enjoy it “ So he jumps up and says “ do you want to take this outside “ further acting like a lowlife. About that time another dude comes over ... I’m really trying to scale it down and this other guy says to the lowlife “ hey many knock it off” Im friends with the owner and the lowlife is not a regular customer . I assume the owner is getting ready to call the police ... The guy sits down , then the whole family gets up and leaves without ordering. I apologized to the owner and the other customers all came over and thanked me for stepping in .. In hind site , I probably should have called the police but thought it may make it harder in the little girl ... But maybe I already did . Hitting a little girl in the face was more than I could take ... I usually walk away from trouble but I couldn’t just turn my head ... I control my temper very well but if he ended up outside with me it probably wouldn’t have ended up good .. Not that it did ... My wife is blaming herself for going over ... I’m sure this isn’t the first time he has hit her nor will it be the last . And all the while the mother never said a word ....
  13. Cause of death, fatal arrhythmia , which is the cause of death of everyone ! This was caused by compression and body position according to the autopsy Dr. My guess , murder 3 if the judge doesn’t declare a mistrial which he has already threatened
  14. Murder 3 And I think he is getting a fair trial . A lot more fair than the one he gave Floyd . This cop messed up big time . He knew Floyd was dead but stayed on him for 4 more minutes... why ? Just to make sure
  15. It was explained by the Dr doing the autopsy . They tried numerous times to use this to the advantage of the defense but it didn’t fly. It wasn’t just the knee on the neck that killed him . It was body position and being cuffed behind his back in addition to the knee. Thinking murder 3
  16. Well it’s not on a hunting post it’s in general chit chat , the reason it’s showing up “ on top” is because it’s popular and has lots of reply’s, If no one replied or viewed it and replied it wouldn’t show up on top . Anyone that doesn’t like seeing it but keeps putting in their .02 and wanting it locked , keeps bringing it back to the top ! There is no reason to lock it , if you don’t want to see it just stop replying or reading it .... Pretty simple
  17. Good idea ,BTW just for the record , I did NOT start this with “ he was suffocated “ Cheers !
  18. I’m just stating the facts that were proven during the testimony
  19. Because the left and their agenda live to see conservatives fighting among themselves . It plays right into their hands !!!
  20. It’s not political , so if it keeps showing up then it must be popular , or if interest to some . If it isn’t to you then don’t read it ... wth
  21. That’s your opinion , and that’s fine . Most have sided agreeing with me that the cop screwed up. As for people “trolling “ me because I posted this , well that’s pretty childish if that’s the case . Thats fine by me but I do t think that will be the case . It was posted in the chat area not the hunting area. Nobody had to comment, if they do t like it , pass on by !
  22. This was posted on the chat section, not the hunting section
  23. He was an egomaniac punk ! Again I’m pro cop , but many cops are saying this guy is scum and casts a bad light on all who serve !
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