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Everything posted by Wildone

  1. Enough to be dangerous to anything standing in the way. LOL
  2. I’d hunt the does, it’s where the bucks want to be. Think about it , if you only had one month to get a piece where are you gonna hang out?
  3. I’m in 3h too been done since 40 minutes after daylight on opening day. Spent 4 days up there last week and I’m leaving to go back after work tomorrow.
  4. I wish you the best of luck in your search, let us all know what you find.
  5. I can understand hunting big woods alone. I have hunted Alaska 12 times all but two of those trips were solo and involved being dropped off by float plane in remote areas for two weeks at a clip. Packing moose and caribou on my back in grizzly country you always carry your rifle even to take a dump. Mountain goat in British Columbia backpack hunting every ounce you carry counts. Wanting to shave weight off of a heavy gun is understandable. Usually take downs don’t help in that department they just make tha package somewhat smaller. The savage will require you to have to reset the headspace and was more so designed so that guys could swap a barrel out if they shoot a lot and wear it out. Patrick Smith of Kifaru built at one time a custom takedown built on a rem model 7 that came in at 4.5 lbs. in a short action and would have 2 barrels for it in 260 and 358 win. He was an extreme backpack hunter. The Blassers previously mentioned are a bit heavy for long walks in the woods as they were not originally designed for that type of hunting they were more for the safari guys in Africa. Might I suggest looking for a rem mountain rifle in 06 or possibly a used custom lightweight? I know you said you had a lot of ammo for the 06 but to be honest ammo is easy to sell and pre packaged ammo can be shipped through the mail. If you want to shed some weight of of a heavy gun consider switching to a short action mountain rifle maybe in 308 if you want to stay in the 30 cal range or maybe 7-08 . The availability of sub 6 lb guns opens up a lot more in the short action calibers and recoil is a joke. You don’t need as much gun as your toting to kill bear and deer. I have traveled extensively with my 7-08 and killed mountain goats and huge 350 lb plus white tails in Canada with it. My buddies wife has killed Kodak brown bear with hers. I have another good friend who has killed grizzly with his 260. Ever think about a model 7 or just something in a mountain rifle configuration?
  6. Look into Savage arms they make a switch barrel . Just out of curiosity may I ask why you need it? I know a lot of guys like the switch barrel if hunting far and away . Some examples include Africa where one may be hunting multiple species and would want to bring different calibers or for doing a back pack sheep hunt with a long thick walk at the front end in brown bear teritory. However the thing that makes me ask is that you are only wanting it in one caliber.
  7. Overweight, over bore and over priced. Unless you are looking to scratch a particular itch with a Roy there are other choices that would make better sense . You did not mention what you are planning to do with it , the caliber, or the budget. If you are considering the law I am assuming the budget is around $1600. I’ve got a few of Marks rifles dating back to his earlier years and they are silly accurate. Have you ever considered looking for a used custom? I know quite a few guys who build them shoot them for a year or two and then sell them to go on to another build. I’ve seen $5000 guns at new cost go for as little as a grand a few years later with plenty of life in the barrel. I do own a few Rem’s And Sako’s but really have no interest in the current flavors available over the counter anymore. You could put together a really nice rifle for 1600 is you care to take on a simple project and have some time to wait for it. How about this blueprint Rem 700 stainless action $350 Action squared and a Hart custom barrel install $750 Jewll trigger $215 B&C stock from stocks stocks $220 bucks cerekoted for $220 all in for 17 and a little in what ever caliber you can think of . If you get a mountain rifle contour the gun should come in in the 6.6 lb range. Put a Leopold 2.5x8x36 on it and go kill things and be merry.
  8. I reload for mine and my fathers 7-08’s . I’ve got dad shooting the lighter recoiling 120 Barnes ttsx and I am shooting the 140’s out of mine. If you don’t reload I believe federal is loading the Barnes 140’s over the counter. I’ve been using Barnes bullets in most of my guns for a long time. Accuracy, penetration and terminal performance have always been awesome. I am also not seeing nearly the amount of bloodshot meat as with a lead cored bullet. I have traveled quite a bit over the past 30 years from AK , 5 provinces in CA, and 7 states out west and have taken everything from moose to mountain goat and deer with a 140 tsx out of a 7-08. If I was just going to hunt deer I would load the 120 gr.
  9. I run mine at 2.5 and use those glove mits with the exposed fingertips. I have a timney on one gun but the rest are jewell’s, I prefer the jewells they break much cleaner in my opinion.
  10. "Why does everything that surrounds hunting these days need to turn into a competition? " couldn't have said it better....
  11. Hi guys Just found the place today and registered . Looking forward to participating . Heres a mug shot of my buck from this past season . Good luck to all still turkey hunting .
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