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Everything posted by LIWaterman

  1. Good luck geno! Looks like I will miss this week and probably most of the rut. Still have no power but generator is running strong. I will be slammed with work now (general contractor) hopefully will be able to get out midweek to check on a job out east and look for gas. Hearing mid island area has no lines?
  2. Absolute devastation here in southern Nassau. Hands pretty tied. Want to get out this weekend but don't want to waste the fuel.
  3. If the scrape in front of me was open he would have prob checked it and been toast. But all the scrapes around me are closed
  4. Need to start hunting ridges and side hills in am
  5. Buck at 5 yards with no shot? Not possible! Right? Wrong!!! Can't believe that just happened. Around 8:15 I turn and look over my shoulder not sure if I heard something or what and there's a decent buck walking in the brush no more than six yards away. No time to get my bow in hand let alone shot. Decent eight pointer I have on camera I believe. There was no way I could have shot through brush. Guess he was walking side hill above draw I'm hunting to scent check for does. I gave him a doe bleat and he didnt respond. Once out of sight I hit horns and a few grunts. Here he comes! Slowly... 25 yards behind a tree... It's a spike. Can't catch a break.
  6. Wow those are some beasts. So wierd the 12 one has great tine length on his right but not so much on his left. Car accident maybe? The first one is just a freak and the bottom one has really good mass. All three would look great on wall. Goodluck getting them in day time! Next week should break wide open
  7. Geno let's see this beast!! Settled in. Gonna sit till wind/rain pushes me out, whichever comes first. Same stand as yesterday where I saw zilch. Saw four deer while driving down road which is more than I can say for yesterday am. Goodluck guys.
  8. Settled in on the island. Windy but tree isn't bending over yet.
  9. In. Warm but very quiet. Leaves are crunchy
  10. Going to try to get out tomorrow after work if I can swing it. Wind should finally be good for a stand I've let sit. Weekend looks suspect, have to see what sandy does. Possibility it will collide with trough of low pressure pushing off east coast and become a massive subtropical storm/nor'easter. This would ruin Sunday/Monday/Tuesday but would likely usher in the first real cold snap of fall. I'll report from stand tomorrow if I get in.
  11. Finding private land for firearms season is next to impossible. Better off going public route. Enter lottery and you get your pick of public spots. After second eek it's basically all open you show up at ridge and pick a spot.
  12. Seems like October lull to me. Figured that much yesterday so I went into a thick spot deep in the woods near a bedding area midday. Had a fawn under me in first half hour and that was it. To me it seemed like a peak of activity in my area October 12-16 possibly a few does came into heat maybe an early lockdown period this past weekend? May sit out till around Halloween unless we get a real cold day.
  13. In a super tight spot. Close to where I think a buck has been bedding. Hopefully wind backs off so I can hear them coming. Bit warm. I have an itchy trigger finger today, it's brown it's down. Well just as I wrote that fawn walked under me. I'm in a good spot. Gotta go
  14. Was hard to tell may have been an 8. He looks decent in that pic but his tines were short. Maybe kicking myself rest of the day/season
  15. Just let him walk not sure if that was a mistake. He was young kind or a rat. Know there's some much bigger ones around. Oh I rattled him in btw
  16. Wow crazy night. Spike came directly under my stand. Then I saw a buck coming from field but he took a different trail. Tried calling to him but lost him in laurels. Got down after shooting light slowly made my way out glasses field don't see anything so I proceeded out. Then bammm biggest buck I've ever seen must have been 20yards from me. Didn't know he was there till he busted. If I would have been in my other stand I would have had a shot at him. Damn! Walking out almost to my truck. And a deer comes running almost directly at me! Being chased by a fox. Never seen that before! Driving out pull in a field they always hang out in and what do you know This guy is sparring with a spike. Man I wish I was able to get out tomorrow am.
  17. I do it sometimes to cover my sound if I make a noise. I never have had success w fawn bleats. First time
  18. Did a few fawn bleats when I got into my stand. Go to pull up my bow and a fawn is standing twenty yards. Frozen for 5 minutes holding bow half way up tree. Finally trotted off. Windy. Hopefully front will get them moving. And wind doesn't force me to go to ground
  19. Looks like sat am is the day! Of course I have a wedding. Working the am tomorrow then headed out, plan on sitting from noon to end of light. I'll post what I see.
  20. Sunday afternoon also yielded not a single deer. Slept in mon am. Def will be hunting fri am looks like first real cold snap.
  21. Weekend report: Sat - the morning hunt showed the most movement all weekend. I was set up in a buck core area with a marginal wind. Spike came in around 7:15 looked right at me and didn't know what to make of me. Slowly meandered off. Around 8:30 a doe and fawn came from opposite direction she clearly caught my scent and started looking for me. Picked me off and busted out of there. Sat till 9:30 that was it. Spooked a deer bedded down on way out. Cousin had a buck come in downwind of him around 8:15 got to 40-50 yards caught his wind and trotted off. Said h was wide. - afternoon we mad plans to go in at 3 and clear some lanes from one of our stands and then go hunt another spot once we were done because wind was sw. Drove up and there was a buck bedded right in field opening... Wind was perfect for a stalk. Backed up parked the truck and made our way along the tree line. This being my cousins first year, first day hunting I gave him lead. Told him to come over the burm in tree line at full draw. He came over burm at full draw and shot the buck in his bed. Lights out. Small racked nine pointer with a cool sticker off his base. Probably would have been a nice buck next year. But a great first deer none the less. Quickly field dressed him and got him in my truck. Quartered and in the fridge in probably less than two hours. Sun Thought the morning was gonna be great. Nice and cold nice n wind. To my dismay nothing...sat on field edge didn't see a thing.
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